[Bump] Lots With Few Bids -- Food

Oct 28, 2009 18:01

Hi, y'all, it's Batshua, again.

This post consists entirely of food-themed lots that, at the time of composition, have three or fewer bids.

Please look carefully:

popelizbet is offering five lots of Pretzel God's Favorite Raspberry Honey Cake. The currrent bid on the second lot stands at $30.

popelizbet is offering five lots of Pretzel God's Favorite Raspberry Honey Cake. The current bid on the fourth lot stands at $30.

popelizbet is offering five lots of Pretzel God's Favorite Raspberry Honey Cake.
The current bid on the fifth lot stands at $35.

grntserendipity is offering a large batch of Kringla, a Norwegian dessert bread. The current bid stands at $25.

slinksgirl is offering seven lots of buckeyes, a candy that's like Reese's cups on steroids. The current bid on the second lot stands at $25.

slinksgirl is offering seven lots of buckeyes, a candy that's like Reese's cups on steroids. The current bid on the third lot stands at $25.

slinksgirl is offering seven lots of buckeyes, a candy that's like Reese's cups on steroids. The current bid on the fourth lot stands at $25.

slinksgirl is offering seven lots of buckeyes, a candy that's like Reese's cups on steroids. The current bid on the fifth lot stands at $30.

slinksgirl is offering seven lots of buckeyes, a candy that's like Reese's cups on steroids. The current bid on the seventh lot stands at $25.

miz_hatbox is offering two dozen checkerboard chocolate chip cookies to each of the two highest bidders. The current high bid stands at $25.

heatermcca is offering four lots of Southern sweet pickles. The current bid for the first lot stands at $15.

heatermcca is offering four lots of Southern sweet pickles. The current bid on the third lot stands at $15.

heatermcca is offering four lots of Southern sweet pickles. The current bid on the fourth lot stands at $10.

update, item: cake, item: handmade, item: sweet pickles, item: food, item: candy, item: baked goods, bump it up, item: chocolate chip cookies

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