Aug 08, 2010 13:06
So, I start grad school for clinical psychology in about 2 weeks.
I started a book this weekend about a freshman psychology student.
It's called Psych Major Syndrome,
and I'm finding reading it before grad school starts highly appropriate.
It's good so far, the main character has a great voice.
The first of my rented textbooks arrived Friday--
it made the whole grad school thing official to me.
Never mind the letters of program acceptance, the registering for classes, etc. :P
Receiving my books also made me realize how close the summer is to being over.
It's going to be a good last two weeks though--maybe.
Due to a really crappy roommate situation for her,
I'll be having a guest stay with me this week.
It's not that I mind, I'm really happy to help a good friend out.
I just hate how crappy things got so quickly for her. :|
She really doesn't deserve the b.s. that she's gone through all summer.
I may go home one last time next weekend before grad school 'takes me away' forever.
Then, the weekend of the 20th I'll be interacting with hopefully a lot of hometown friends.
I'll be showing a few of them the 'sights of Richmond.'
The others have been in town before as part of a dinner party.
This time we're just all having pizza.
Then on the 23rd, I have my first official day of classes.
I saw Inception yesterday afternoon.
It was really good and I now have a few details/ideas to add to something I'm writing.
The ending was very ambiguous but I've read one theory I believe.
I also watched my latest Netflix DVD--Dogma last night.
I see why it has such a fan base, it was also really good.
I have become so jaded lately I assume every person my age has a certain quality.
That is, until they tell me different. :\
In thinking about this latest update, I've become quite melancholy.
I guess watching a movie based on John Keats later is the way to beat this funk right?
After all, my melancholy moods lately are almost always romance related. :S
Well, rather lack of romance related.
Today is also a day I plan to clean my apartment.
I do a fairly thorough cleaning once a month.
I also have story details I want to type up on cleaning weekends,
this weekend being no exception.
It's weird how a lot of things in my life are coordinated that way.
I don't know any other specific examples at the moment but still...
I guess that's it for me this time.
I'm fairly sure that the next time I update it will be substantially more interesting.