
May 19, 2005 08:49

Okay, so I know I did it to myself, but what kind of a person would I be if I didn't go to the midnight showing/opening on Star Wars Episode III "Revenge of the Sith" last night. You're right, I'd be an awake and alert kind of a person. But I would not have been able to call myself a good "dork" if I hadn't gone.

That said, the movie: yeah, it rules. There are some scenes that are a little, um, cheesy. But those scenes are very short and -almost- equate to the Han/Leia or Luke/Leia scenes from the earlier movies. What some people are forgetting is the first batch (episodes 4-6) are just as cheesy and lame as these. The difference: those movies were ahead of their time with the action sequences and story line. Eh, I won't even go there...
But - Episode III does rule. The fights kicks some serious butt, the other special effects (like the different planets and landscapes) rock my face off, and I really was heart-broken when Ani went to the Dark Side. Oops, I hope I didn't just ruin it for you. :o OOOOOH, and John Williams(composer of the Star Wars Music) really rocked my face off through the whole movie, but ESPECIALLY in the Ani-to-Darth Vader scene! ROCK ON JOHNNY!
All in all, great movie, and I am happy to be tired this morning.

But, before I go... Lost ruled equally last night. I teared up a number of times, and got the crap scared out of me with the teasers for next week's season finale. Anyone up for a Lost party? I'm thinking food, hanging out, watchin some good TV...

I read a quick blurb in Wall Street Journal this morning about it (along with an article about concert ticket sales that really intriuged me...). They said:
"Damon LIndelof, the co-creator of 'Lost' says he loosly modeled the season finale on "The Empire Strikes Back." That movie satisfied fans by resolving the question of Luke's father, but planted the seeds for the next installment when Han Solo is kidnapped. Among the questions that will be answered: Island dwellers will open the mysterious hatch, and viewers will glimpse the monster that devoured the pilot in the first episode. Many mysteries will go unsolved, including why there is a polar bear on a tropical island. The final half-hour amounts to an on-screen Easter egg hunt, and devoted viewers will find lottery numbers, (a reference to a previous plotline), hidden in the scenes. Mr. Lindelof also has one key bit of advice for diehard fans: Listen to what the crazy French woman says in the third-to-last scene."

When did I get so into a TV show? Geez... I think it was about the time they made a TV show that played like a movie. word.

Okay boys and girls, its off to work for me! I've got a lot to do and not a lot of energy to do it with, but I don't mind...

PS, TED, what Ship are you on again? I have a friend who's enlisted and stationed in your neck of the woods....
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