You mean its not Saturday?

May 18, 2005 09:00

What a crazy night last night. It was a blast.
I got home from work last night, ate dinner, talked to an old friend of mine from back in the day (tammie edwards...) and made plans to go to the Gin Mill for a while w/ Tammie, Jon, and, eventually, Marcus. We had a great time, and I have started building a tolerance for alcohol. horray! Well, Marcus ended up not coming as he was doing the 'family thing' for the evening, but nevertheless, I had a blast.
I got home safely (don't worry mom!) and sat down for a brief second before I changed into my jammies. That's when it started. My stomach felt as though it was writing me a letter on an old typewriter. Here's what it wrote:

dear sarah
this is your official warning. you will wake up in the morning with your very own, first ever hangover. yes, it is true... you will be nauseated, sensitive to light, and hating anything that moves or makes a noise.
see that water right there? don't even bother touching it. you drank so much water earlier in the day that you will be sick right now if you drink that water. you will not sleep tonight, i will be making too much of a raucous. good thing your boss won't be in the office much tomorrow - you'll be sick to your stom- well - sick to me. HAHAHA!

Well, I heeded my stomach's advice and didn't drink any more water (though I did have a glass at the GM before I left). I said my goodnight's to Melissa, turned on the fan, and crawled into bed with a trashcan beside me, a glass of water on my bedside table, and a toothbrush and toothpaste sitting right next to the toilet (for easy access). My stomach said I wouldn't sleep - I passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow. And this morning, I feel great. No hangover what-so-ever. Its amazing. So, I will continue to drink too much water during the day, and a few glasses before I go to bed. I'm not into this 'hangover' thing, and I want to avoid it as much as possible.

I thought it was a funny story that I'd share.

As for the rest of the week, its going to be great! tonight: making dinner for the folks, watching LOST, hanging out, going to the MidNite Showing of Episode III (the nerdy-ness comes with the package...) and getting to bed too late.
Tomorrow: tutoring Willa and recovering from tonight.
Weekend: Annapolis! w00t!

I love my job, I'm loving post-grad life, and things are rockin' hard. Thanks for all ya'll's support!
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