Life continues. Truth be known, I don't update much. My wife keeps a great blog at and she does such a good job keeping track of orion's and our lives that I'm just not inspired. Time was when I'd write about whatever. Thoughts, inspirations, ideas. I have no idea where that went, or if I even want it back.
Now for the big things:
1) Lisa is pregnant, and we're thrilled.
2) Quit the consulting job in August, went to work for a client, things REALLY didn't work out there, the day I quit I got a call from a recruiter, and I'm starting my new job next Monday. Far far far better pay and benefits.
We took an alaskan cruise that was simply awesome, all of the great pictures are up on Lisa's blog.
Orion is turning into a small person, he's not a baby now, and it freaks me out sometimes. ;P