More reasons to play Warhammer instead of WoW according to some guy: Guilds leveling up (and getting cool/useful rewards)? Hell yes. The ability to completely conquer the other side's capitols and get all sorts of spoils for it? Hell yes! Purposefully making the grind less of a grind? Open parties? Hell yes and hell yes again. Two new classes in an upcoming update? Even better! I mean Hell yes!
A really interesting article that seems to sum up exactly why I want this game. I think once I finish with jury duty (ugh) I'll buy it, but I still have a bunch of nagging questions about it like what are "Open RvR" and "Core" server types (I can figure out what "Roleplay" is)? Is that like "PvP" and "PvE" on WoW?
Also various questions about classes. I want to make one of these:
Chaos Chosen based solely on how awesome they look and their background...but maybe they aren't very fun to play or everyone and their little brother has a Chosen character. Those types of questions.
Also, who has an account and on which servers (and which side)?