When life gives you salt, eat fries...

Apr 22, 2005 11:04

A posting by bassbehr has inspired me... inspired or ruffled my feathers or fanned my flames or something like that... Anyway... some random thoughts compiled together randomly as they came to me...

LJ'ing has really helped me reflect on my own thoughts and to help me be brutally honest with myself. Getting "strangers" comments is nice because you get an outside view of your life... BUT remember, it's just that, an outsider's view of what you've written and what you feel... we need to be true to ourselves and follow our hearts...

Falling in love too quickly is not a fault... it's a beautiful thing -- it shows that you have an open heart: one that cares deeply and quickly and true... it demonstrates that you are a good person. Obviously, be aware, that by giving your heart so quickly and freely, it's easier to get hurt... AND some people will look at it as being "easy". *I* don't think of it that way...

Last year at camp I slept around with a lot of people... How will I change that impression of me now that I have a monogamous boyfriend? How will people believe that Barry is "the one" and that I'm honestly not interested in "sleeping around" anymore? Should I care about what others think of me?

My point (I guess): take what others say with a grain of salt, and if they are saying a lot, then eat french fries because they taste good with salt.

It's difficult for me to change how I feel about what others say about me... I want to be liked and I take what others say personally. But I don't limit what I do because of what someone else thinks I should be doing... Some of my friends have been upset by this I think (or get annoyed with me), when I "don't take their advice". I don't want to limit myself...

It's OK to learn and change... I just have found that I don't learn or change because of what others have told me to do... I learn from what I've done.

Oh, and I HATE being labeled or predicted -- when my friends tell me what they expect I'm going to do based on past experience. OH THAT PISSES ME OFF! Just because I did something one way in the past, doesn't mean I'm going to do it that way again in the future.

*deep breath* Guess this kind of emotional build-up occurs when I don't LJ frequently enough. *giggle*

rant, friends, relationship

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