Fuck Fred Phelps with the biggest dildo you can find.
Where the fuck does he get off by sending his minions to protest at a serviceman's funeral that Iraq is God's way of punishing the US for supporting gays?!
How DO people swallow this shit hook, line and sinker to the point where they, as Americans, will stand near a solemn and heartbreaking moment like the funeral of a husband, son, brother, uncle, friend, and invoke some mythical plot involving a mythical being doing something that they made up? I don't get mad about a lot of things, having a fairly laissez faire attitude to the insanity of the world, but watching a young widow bare her soul and heart at the loss of her husband knowing that the Phelpsian idiots are preaching hate (instead of love, hint: Read the bible, Fred, not the hardcore male fisting porn you hide in it) not far away at all makes my blood boil.
I'm well aware of his antics, but even I think this is a new low.