
Jul 11, 2007 13:32

I had my first photography class yesterday, which was pretty crazy. We are a random bunch of people with random levels of photography experience and NO computer savvy, except me. And I'm shooting film, not digital...

Ah well. Suffice it to say, I need to a) get film and b) take at least a roll of pictures by tomorrow afternoon. The NY Photo Meetup has a photo safari tonight in Battery Park (think lots of people with cameras), which would be super fun.

BUT the seminary friend I was planning on inviting to see Harry Potter with me this weekend just asked if I wanted to go tonight and see it in IMAX. I could stop and get film beforehand, and probably shoot a roll tonight if I tried hard. Or, I could not go to work tomorrow morning and take pictures then. (But I should work, especially because I took Monday off...)

I don't knoooww!
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