you'd think i would have figured this out by now...

Oct 30, 2006 21:59

i felt really dumb and depressed yesterday, then today i biked to work/school (which i haven't been doing because of midterms/the weather) and i felt approximately ONE BAJILLION times better. holy jesus GOD. I need a little robot who, whenever i complain about not having energy to do anything, will tell me to shut up and throw my bike helmet/running shoes/bathing suit at me.

now that i have the motivation to face the world, i will:
- email my theology tutor about my paper topic (which will be something in service of this calling to write a postmodern queer theology that i've just had)
- read some bible for tomorrow & take the associated quiz
- sleep.

*aside: grrr! my paid account expired and lj has eaten all but a few of my icons! poopbastard! i am cheap and will not pay you!

bike, super swanky

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