i survived!

Oct 26, 2006 23:22

midterms are done! and rocked!

systematic theology was on tuesday, and I was SO panicked for that one because I didn't know what would be on it (but which actually was really good), and then i had old testament today, which i sort of more or less knew what to expect on, but i was still kind of nervous. (mostly because other people were like crapping themselves over it...) I studied with Shelly last night (with whom there is NO sexual tension at all...), which was really really good both because i like studying with other people and because i have fun talking about old testament prophets with her. there was one essay question we didn't have beforehand, so we were trying to prepare for that: "well, it's dr. carr, so there's got to be one about sex and gender. there just HAS to." so we looked at the texts we thought were most pertinent that we had done (proverbs 1-9, hosea, song of songs, fyi) and reviewed the articles we'd read about them from different perspectives. Lo and behold: "Trace the usage of the female figure in texts such as proverbs 1-9, hosea, and the song of songs.... In other words, how are the authors using female symbols to make their points?" SCORE. I wrote a wicked good essay for that one.

and then of course I had class straight through until 7pm. thursday is SUCH an exhausting day. But, in my systematic theology tutorial we were talking about the queer theology readings for this week, and we had a really excellent discussion, during which Justin and I (very very gay boy raised in very very conservative church) hashed out issues of labels and gay marriage and such things. Then, my Christianities and the City class was discussing this book by one of the professors (my NT professor next semester... we'll see about that.) about progressive christianity which very pointedly leaves out any black churches, many many many of which fit most of his criteria... So we had this great discussion starting about marginalization and academic racism and SUCH GOOD THINGS, and he completely cut off the discussion. Which thankfully continued in the tutorials later on, which was interesting because everyone was totally on the edge because of the OT midterm. But there were good conversations.

Shelly and I had been planning to go to the cupcake party tonight after class, but we were both exhausted and didn't really want to go all the way across the city. So instead we got CRAZY vegan pizza and lasagna. so good. and beer. that was also good. oh, and hashing out boy issues together... she's in very much the same situation i'm in, that she's dating this boy she's in love with, but for various reasons her usual strategies for feeling okay (i.e. still queer) while in a relationship with a boy aren't going to work with him, and she's struggling with staying in this relationship and basically being straight for the forseeable future.

oh, queerness. we love you, but you're so tough sometimes.

and i am off to providence tomorrow, which will hopefully be fun and relaxing (and either way will be important and good... i'm looking forward to seeing jesse and we've still got stuff to work out.) and then i'm back on sunday and i have a date!

food, union, flaming queer, lady, super swanky

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