light art?

Aug 05, 2004 21:54

I saw in a magazine once where instead of hanging some art above the bed they had a light projector or something that projected an image above the bed like a theatre set.. like flowers or something. Any clue on where to buy that or how to make it?
Also I'm buying paint colors tomorrow for painting our new house saturday. I was going light colors but you guys have given me inspiration for bolder hues. I'm thinking of kind of a dusty teal for bedroom, all linens and furniture in there are white ^^
For the living room/dining room area I'm planning on painting a wasabi green color. Our couch is kind of a putty microfiber. There is one contrast wall I want to paint big cherry blossom branch with creams, pinks, chocolate browns.
In the bedroom I'm going to write all my favorite poems on the wall
Does it sound okay or silly?
My husband likes asian style a lot, and so do I. but then I also lean to 40's kitch kitchen and Sex in the City Charlotte at the same time.. erk! The house isn't huge so I want to keep the themes somewhat consistant.

styles:asian, lighting, paint, styles:retro/kitsch

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