My craftroom.

Oct 24, 2011 14:54

I've seen several posts asking for pictures of people's craft rooms. I thought I'd show you mine!

I showed you our bedroom in 2009. What can I say - I decorate slowly? First, a terrible floor plan.

As you can see, there's quite a lot crammed in here - the room is 10' by 11' - but it's a cosy comfortable room. It's just off our kitchen, and it's a good place for me to curl up - particularly when my house is full of rioting men playing videogames! I haven't been happy with it for ages - but I found a group of fat quarters in yellows, greys and white that I loved, and decided to make those my focal points. Well, those plus the black I already had going on, plus two $2 table runners from a clearance store. I'm not fond of the blue in here, but I can't settle on another colour, and I don't want to beige it up. The curtains are on their fourth room in this house - they were originally bedroom curtains, left there by the previous owners. They've done temporary duty in other parts of the house, and I love the way they make this room feel open and light.
Working around from the door anticlockwise - the chest my father in law bought us as a housewarming gift. It's my fabric stash; my paper/scrapbooking stash is in the suitcase. The vase was a gift from my mother.

There's a TV in the corner. Not terribly interesting, and I appear to have taken no photo of it.
Then, my first desk. The dragon is a work in progress; the desk was a thrift score. $15, used to be a school desk! The circles on the wall are whiteboard and blackboard; there are whiteboard markers and chalk pencils in the tin on the desk. The lanterns have LED Xmas lights inside; my husband is a Londoner, so I have a best-of-London decal. The stool does double duty as a coffee table when I'm on the couch.

The coffee table in the corner holds my printer/scanner, and the tablecloth hides a multitude of sins - a huge bag of stuffing and the quilt project I've been halfway through for nearly a year are stashed under there.
Then, the couch. I made (and stuffed) the cushions yesterday.

Left again, to the sewing cabinet. The sewing machine is close to 30 years old, I really need to get it serviced. The cabinet was second hand, I think I paid $30 for it? Other than some damage to the veneer on the left door, it's in really good nick. The DVD drawers (black and white, under the fold out part of the desk) hold all my misc bits and bobs. Scissors, glue, pens, cards, envelopes, the cash box I organise pins and needles in... In the corner of the room is a fabric ottoman. It's home of more of my fabric stash, and clothes I need to alter for one reason or another. The immensely furry pillow is my cat, Tigra's, favourite hangout. The two printer's trays are for a project I haven't quite sorted out in my head yet, so I'm leaving them unmolested until I finish the plotting stage.

The chair was rescued from a friend - I reglued the back and made the cushion. I need to refinish it, but winter has been too damp for that. I've always been fond of the knifeblocks of this style - but we already have a set of really good knives, and two blocks, in the kitchen. Enter my husband's drill, and I have a paintbrush holder that makes me grin like a lunatic.

I'll probably paint the noticeboard black - I still can't decide, so I haven't done it yet. The pinboard section is part of the same fabric group.

The lamps are both touchlamps - one in each corner gives a lovely warm glow at night. Recovered from the same stash of fabrics as the other yellows in the room. Same goes for the curtain tiebacks, chair cushion, couch cushions, etc...

So! A small tour of one of the smallest rooms in my house, and probably my favourite. Hope you enjoyed it!

paint: blues, small_spaces, other_rooms, sauce on the cheap, creative_spaces

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