Bathroom Before & After

Oct 12, 2009 10:47

I started our bathroom re-decorate in early June... and then found out I was pregnant!  It's finally ready to share with you.  Hope you enjoy it!

Nobody should have to live with this:

Every trip to the bathroom was a dizzying adventure!  Don't miss the groovy ivy trim along the top!

Because of the green tile in the shower surround, as well as along the baseboards, we were kind of limited as to color if we wanted to keep within budget.

A few words - when wallpapering, please consider future residents.  If you must paper, at least use the right glue.  That would be wallpaper glue, not whatever glue you have lying around.  Mystery glue makes wallpaper VERY hard to remove, even with a steamer.
We also discovered, after removing the mirror clips, that the mirror was EPOXIED to the wall.  Thanks, previous owner.  7 years bad luck to you!

So, what looks good with green?  Not much!  How about... green?

Our biggest investment was a medicine cabinet.  You never know how much you need one until you don't have one!
We scored the nifty chair rail trim from our local Habitat for Humanity Re-Store.  Towels from K-Mart.  A can of "chrome" spray-paint got the sconces ready.

Shower curtain is from the Bacova Loom collection from  Hooks are from (years ago) Marshall's.

Window film (removable) is Light Effects "Etched Lace".   Valance is "Royal Battenberg" by  My MIL has the whole Royal Battenberg set in her guest room, and I really like it, but a touch of frilly was enough for me.

window_treatments, before/after, styles:victorian, bathroom, color themes: green

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