Super Saucy Dwellings Poll!!

May 22, 2008 08:16

Hi, it's me again, much to your dismay. :D But this time I have good stuff to say, I swear!

For months now we've been getting a vote here and a vote there on last year's Extremely Saucy Dwellings Poll - it's usually a couple per month. I realized this morning that it's been a year since we first made up the poll, and there have been some great posts since then, so I think it's about time to do it again!

So here's what you can do to nominate someone:
Look in your bookmarks or through the SD archives for saucy posts made between our last poll (dated 5/6/07) and now. (If you have a friend who hasn't posted in the last year and you want to nominate them, they're welcome to post now as well - you can nominate anyone who's posted from last May until we actually post the poll.) Then email us at sdshmods @gmail .com with your nominee's user name and a link to their post. You can also nominate someone as a comment to this post.

In a week or so when we get enough nominations, we'll post a poll for you to vote on, and the winner will be on our userinfo page as an example of what's saucy for all the people who aren't sure of our version of the definition. :)

Thanks guys!!

contests, notes_from_the_mod

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