Like Chocolate for Water

Apr 05, 2008 17:36

I just spent the majority of my spring break remodeling my room.
I repainted it, got new bedding, drapes, and a new desk. Check it out!

click on the after photos for a larger view =)

The before! It was really nice too, but I just needed a change.
After 2 years with it, I got really bored. Plus, I hated the baby blue.

The after! I am really pleased with it. It's what I envisioned.
Also, the bedding looks blue, but it's a very pale blue-green.

The old study area. Very nice, but the desk broke down! =(

The study and new desk! LOVE it! The study room got a coat of aqua paint.

My bookshelf didn't change much (so no before photo). Those are mainly just my art/design books and magazines.
The other 3/4 of my books are downstairs in my parents' office/library.

If you would like to see more photos of my room, check out this flickr set. =)

bedroom, before/after, art, organization, bedding, paint, diy

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