a haven.

Jan 03, 2008 23:34

After months of working on my bedroom, I think it's safe to say that it is finally complete. Creating this bedroom was really important to me, not only because it's my first bedroom as an adult (this is my first apartment), but because I needed to create a space for myself where I can indulge in creative thinking, somewhere where I can lose myself...especially after a 16-hour day at school.

However, considering the fact that I'm on a student's budget, I had to stretch my thriftin' skillz. So, whenever I've had a little extra spending money--five bucks here, ten bucks there--I've put it towards my room. I decorated this entire room for less than $100. I also trash-picked and dumpster-dove relentlessly. (In fact, the only two pieces of furniture that I paid for in my entire apartment were my bookshelf and my bed. Just last week my bf and I found a stereo system WITH a sub-woofer and speakers, barely used. Someone threw it away because their Jamiraqui CD was jammed in it. Go figure.) The most expensive item was the blue-green paint, of which I had to buy two gallons, with a gallon of dark primer, too.

And so! Without further ado!

This is the view right when you walk in.

Night table and kicky lamp that I found in the trash!

My lovely, lovely bed with Chinese New Year decorations that were $1 each! I love Chinese New Year stuff. So colorful! So sparkley!

When you lie down on my bed, this is what you see. It's a canopy made from a satin sheet set that I found at a thrift store, and I got the string lights half-off after Christmas.

Teh comfeh...it beckons joo...

Mah beetle...plus some pretty postcards that Dad sent to me in a care package.

My movie stars! There was a poster sale at the UPenn bookstore, and these were $3 each. I found the frames at a discount store for $7 each.

Drawers and knick-knack shelf that I found in the trash! I got the mirror for $5 at a stoop sale, and the taxidermy head is a part of a project that I'm working on...didn't really know where to put it, so it's in my room for now, creeping me out. lol

My wonderful awkwardly-spaced bookshelf.

Candles, orgami stars, photos of me and my twin...oh yeah, and my HOT PINK COOKOO CLOCK THAT I BOUGHT FOR SIX DOLLARS! It doesn't work but...six dollars! C'mon!

A whole bunch of orgami stars that I folded. In a candy dish...wait for it...that I found in the trash.

The end! :)

I've been lurking this community for quite some time, and I want to thank everyone for posting their wonderful rooms! You guys gave me a lot of inspiration.

x-posted: iheartmyroom and inside_my_room

styles:asian, bedroom, paint: blues, style:other, details, bedding, diy

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