hacking thee itty-bitty living.

Mar 29, 2003 17:13

Hi, I'm new.
So I'm facing a bit of a conundrum- I live in a tiny ass apartment in Kyoto, Japan- this means I have access to lots of cool fabrics and knick knacky things but because I only have the place for a couple years, I
a. Can't make any permanent changes, such as painting or installing shelving
b. Can't buy furniture (expensive, no space, and I'd have to get rid of it)
but I still want to make the place swanktacular within these limitations. I have been going for a pink/orange/gold Japanese floral theme. I have been working towards swanktification by making some cool curtains from gold lace, setting up a make-shift mini-bar and keeping lots of fresh flowers around.
Anyway, does anyone have any advice about how to A. make the most of itty bitty living space and B. take advantage of the plethora of Japanese potential interior decorating shite that surrounds me? (already stuck a red lantern on my kitchen lamp).


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