Back in Town

Aug 15, 2006 13:27

Just got back in town last night; blah jetlag.

Was a nice trip out east. First stop was down in Charlotte to visit my grandmother. She's doing okay, all things considered. She's lost a lot of weight but doesn't seem to be suffering with much pain, which is good. She's almost totally all there mentally, just loses track of her thoughts sometimes. They have her on a light dose of morphine though, so that's to be expected.

It's funny how you can take someone for granted for so long, and then realize how much you're going to miss them when they're about to leave. I haven't kept in the greatest touch with my grandmother; once I turned 17 or so it was like I was held to different standards; like she wouldn't love me just for being her grandson. Eventually that feeling started to go away; I realize of course she just wanted me to live my life in a good way; but at the time I wasn't ready to have anyone be so demanding of me. I didn't want someone pestering me about how I don't clean my room very often, or how I got up late.

This might be the last time I see her, and while there's obviously a lot of sadness involved in that; I wasn't sad to see her this last time. When my grandfather passed away; it happened so rapidly. I heard he had gotten cancer one day and two days later he was dead; I didn't get to see him a last time. I'm glad I was able to see my grandmother at least one last time. I don't know what to make of the last words I said to her. The last thing I said as she closed the door was "good night." All in all, there are worse last goodbyes that I can think of.

After the visit there, I went to my cousin's wedding in New York. Big wedding, 300 people. I felt a little lost at times; and basically just ended up being social with as many people as I could. Most of the people there were from the other side; but they were very closed off. My hunch; mob family. No, I'm not kidding. The father is in "international sales of washers and driers." Heh, talk about a front...

Time to go back to work...
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