Summer is finally here! Whoo!

Jul 06, 2010 14:50

Yes, rather than living on the interwebs, I have been enjoying the sunshine. And for me "enjoying the sunshine" consists of sitting on my back porch drinking Good Drink mango hibiscus tea (which, I don't know if this exists outside of Vancouver Island, but if it does you guys should try it) and reading library books.

The best thing about my last trip to the library is that I finally got to read volume three of Aya, a really cool comic about the Ivory Coast in the 1970s. It's a story which does deal with important cultural issues, especially in how they affect people's relationships, but mainly focuses on the stuff of everyday life in a small city. Apparently this series is also being made into a movie, which I did not know.

In other life news, I got my Sculpture course paid off and now I can finally register for the fall. Which will be my last year of undergrad. Crazy, man, crazy.

books, real life, school

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