Nov 06, 2009 14:21

I was waaaaay behind in Naruto, so uh, I'm going to liveblog my reaction to like 25 chapters.

First of all, I'm really digging all the new characters and their designs. In particular I like Mizukage and her tiny shark bodyguard. Also Raikage's dudes. And Killer Bee's team, of course. ...Actually, pretty much just everyone.

I guess I should be angry that Kishimoto wimped out and brought Kakashi-sensei back to life, but, um, I'm pretty happy he's not dead, so I'll forgive him. (Note that about half that happiness is due to Gai not losing his eternal rival.)

I really appreciate that this series actually adressed issues of imperialism. We got to see a war started by Konoha, and Konoha Shinobi committing war crimes, plus the acknowledgement that the Fire Nation's "peace" is based on strife and chaos in the countries around it. Way to go!

455: Sai, HOLY CRAP. "If it were me," he says. Naruto just can't help but aquire new boyfriends everywhere he goes. Poor Sai, go find yourself a nice, single boy (with a bigger penis).

Aaaaand Sai just officially became the worst matchmaker ever.

464: I feel so proud of Gaara. You've grown up to be such a good guy! And to think I used to feel so blase about you! Now beat some sense into Sasuke (although I don't think it's going to work)! Also the fact that Naruto has become his own personal Jesus.

"I don't have any grudge against you, but everyone else here wants you dead, so." LOL

Killer Bee! Welcome back! And... some random enka singer. Works for me.

HOLY SHIT SAKURA. That... was pretty much the best possible way that could have gone. Like, the way it's clear that she's playing him, no matter how much she actually means any of what she said. And how straightforwardly he rejects her. I really, really appreciate this scene, and I think it will make me that much more content if Naruto and Sakura hook up for real at the end of the series. ...Uh, I still hope they don't, though.

Incidentally, Kishimoto, while you're on a ninja-making spree, can we have some female characters who are not conventionally attractive? I'm thinking a lady Gai or Chouji. So far we've only had Chiyo, and she wasn't unatractive, just extremely elderly. Come on, if Eichirou Oda can do it, so can you!

manga, teh homogay, naruto

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