My ear

Oct 24, 2009 22:31

I have this history of ear infections starting from the time I was about six months old. They've gotten less common as time goes by, but every so often I get one again, and my social life goes on hold while I recover. (I don't really talk about my IRL social life on LJ that much, I guess. It mainly consists of people I knew in high school who haven't moved away yet, and the members of UVic Pride.)

So in the post before last, I was sick, and then I thought I was better. But now it's back. And worse! Anyway, I was bored, so I wrote something. It's not that great. But Devil Survivor is so good, and I love Keisuke so much.

Since high school he's discovered that he has a tremendous imagination. There's this daydream he has almost every day, a fantasy that plays out in his head every time he feels alone or humiliated. It's ridiculous, juvenile, and he knows that, but what can one expect from a coping mechanism?

The story is that all of a sudden he meets Atsuro again, in Akihabara, usually. Atsuro not only remembers who he is, but remembers him with fondness, is thrilled to see him again. They go somewhere and talk. Sometimes that's all he needs: to imagine talking to someone who would see him as a hero. Sometimes, though, Atsuro finds out - always by accident, of course - about his school life. What has really happened since they last met. And then the next day, Atsuro comes to school and beats up everyone who is directly or indirectly responsible for making Keisuke's life nearly unbearable. He saves Hasagi for last.

And when Keisuke thanks him, Atsuro shakes his head and says "No way. This doesn't even make us even."

There are obvious logistical problems with this scenario. The Atsuro he knew was, frankly, as scrawny as he is, and even between the two of them it's doubtful they could take out any of his classmates.

Besides which, it's probable that Atsuro doesn't remember him.

There is another part of his fantasy.

Apparently his mind can't create a plausible bridge between "this doesn't even make us even" and the darkened room where he and Atsuro find themselves, because there is none. All of a sudden they are naked on a bed together and Atsuro is running his hands across his body, exploring by touch bruises and scrapes that no one has ever seen. He presses his lips to Keisuke's collarbone and whispers "I never got to thank you properly."

"You don't have to..." he says, always.

"I know. I want to." This as Atsuro takes Keisuke's cock in his hand, or very, very rarely, his mouth.

It ends there.

He knows this part cannot just be excused as a coping mechanism. When it's over, and he's wiping up his semen with a tissue, he feels more alone and humiliated than ever.

shin megami tensei, writing, video games

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