
Oct 20, 2009 21:01

Yeah, I haven't posted in forever. And the longer I go between posts, the less inspired I feel to make one. >_>

So I'm taking a Feminist Lit class with my favourite prof (she plays Cooking Mama! She was apparently like this close to writing her Grad Thesis on porn! She rides a motorcycle!) and we're reading The Passion of New Eve by Angela Carter.

EVERYBODY HAS TO GO READ THIS BOOK. It is amazing. Horrible and amazing. I'm not going to tell you what it's about, just take my word for it that it is incredible and your life is not complete until you have read it. Discussing this book in class is the most awkward thing imaginable. The opening sentence contains the word "spermatazoa" and it just goes up/downhill from there.

And I started playing Raidou Kuzunoha 2! Which is also amazing. I don't know how much I can say about it, though, I just really like Dahn/Akane.

books, shin megami tensei, school, video games

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