
May 17, 2009 13:39

So! While I was gone, the new yuri bb_shousetsu came out! And my story, Epilogue, was in it! Hooray.

Based on the comments thus far, most people took this to be based on an imaginary fantasy novel, but this was conceptuallized as post-game fanfiction for an imaginary JRPG called Crystal Dream VI. It has a pretty stereotypical RPG plot which involves defeating an ancient demon, except that I couldn't help myself, so the protagonist (Rain) is a White Mage. And actually, the way the final product turned out, it makes sense that people thought it was a novel, as it definately has enough of the generic fantasy tropes.

In order to save time on character creation, Cora and Lyn were originally envisioned as poorly-disguised genderswapped versions of... uh... Kurogane and Fye from Tsubasa. (This is why Lyn has a twin sister.) But then Cora got more chill and Lyn got less jokey, and they ended up not resembling them very much, which is for the better. Anyway, here are their cute little Gaia avatars!

People who haven't already read this story should go do it, and then comment about how awesome it is! Um, if you don't like it you can say that too.

writing, teh homogay

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