School and life

Jan 10, 2009 11:08

Last night I dreamed about making a Livejournal post. Which probably means I should get off my ass and make one. And shock shock horror, it's about my actual life, rather than fandom crap or Persona 4! Will wonders never cease.

So I'm back at school! Having a great time with all my classes. Here's the breakdown -

Japanese 249: For double credits and great justice. This course is *intensive.* I've already gotten maybe fifteen pages of homework, and we started on Tuesday. But because I'm only taking two and a half other classes, I can handle it. Classmates are all either Business or Pacific Asian Studies, with one Fine Arts guy and a couple fellow undecideds. The professor has the best name ever - Yasuko P. France. And the TA for the tutorial section is my 150 prof from last year! In summary, this is going to be fun.

Women's Studies 205: Women, Food, and Culture. I'm a woman! I like food! And culture! This course is a lot about food production and distribution by women, in the context of NAFTA and things, and less about food and body issues, which was what I assumed it would be. But it still seems like it's going to be awesome. For our first class, we watched a short documentary called Isle of Flowers, which I highly reccomend to everyone reading this post, it's brilliant.

History in Art 295: Intro to Film Studies, continued from last semester. This week we did avant-guarde and experimental cinema and watched a whole bunch of movies, some of which I enjoyed and many of which I didn't. Among these was the famous Un Chien Andalou. I had seen some of it before, including the opening scene with the eyeball, and I actually like it quite a bit.

I have a lot of breaks between my classes and so I have started basically living at the UVic Pride office. It's fun! Also last night was the first coffee of the year, extremely fun, plus I got invited to a birthday party next Saturday at Evolution.

Finally, I have just noticed that there are like three tiny, tiny spiders spinning webs from my ceiling. I should probably do something about that, but to be honest, I find them cute, so I probably won't.

real life, school, japanese, movies

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