Nov 29, 2008 17:03

And Canadian politics got interesting! I almost love Stephen Harper now for being an insane jackass and causing all these exciting backroom deals and manuevers. Because if there's one thing that makes politics awesome, it's SHEER DOUCHEBAGGERY, like trying to keep government workers from striking or getting pay equity. And acting like the leader of a majority government when, you know, you're not. And then accusing the *other* parties of being undemocratic.

Oh! I got quoted in my University newspaper! And my letter was published in the local paper! That makes me a celebrity! Whoo.

My body has gotten so weird. I keep waking up in the middle of the night with an extremely sore throat, and my ear hurts, and I'm exhausted all the time, and yet I am not actually sick. I feel like my HP are at zero and yet somehow I'm still fighting. It's weird.

And now, back to schoolwork.

real life, school, politics

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