...I actually forgot to post this earlier. Oh well. One of these days I will actually make a post about how my actual life is going. But today is not that day!
by Apollo502, trans. SaturnOolaa
PART 10 Page 1
/He turned up unexpectedly./
Haruhi: Sorry for the wait-!
/At first I didn't understand what had happened/
Haruhi: To Year 1, Class 9, has come a transfer student with high battle potential!
And his name is!
Page 2
/He was definately right there./
Koizumi: I'm Koizumi Itsuki.
-Pleased to meet you.
Page 3
Kyon: ...Ko...
Haruhi: Well, I'll show you around the school, so...
Kyon: Haruhi!
I can show him.
Haruhi: It's unusual for you to take initiative in running errands. Well, okay, you two head off then!
Kyon: Yeah.
Page 4
Kyon: You idiot, where've you been all this time?
I thought I would never see you again...
Page 5
Koizumi: ...Aren't you
mistaking me for someone else?
Kyon: Huh...? What are you saying?
So this time you're going to pretend like that?
Page 6
Kyon: You belong to a suspicious Agency I don't understand the purpose of,
and you're a half-baked Esper who can't use his powers unless he's in a Closed Space!
You're Koizumi Itsuki!
Koizumi: ...! How do you...!?
Kyon: Just stop lying to me...!
Yuki: He is not Koizumi Itsuki.
Kyon: ...Nagato...
Page 7
Yuki: More accurately, he is not the Koizumi Itsuki you know.
Kyon: What do you mean...
He's lost his memories?
Yuki: That's not it.
His appearance and personality are unchanged from your Koizumi Itsuki. However, his essential being is different.
In other words, he's seperate from Koizumi Itsuki you know.
A completely different person.
Page 8
Kyon: ...Different... person...?
Wh...what are you saying!?
But this is, however you look at him, it's Koizumi, right...?
...It's a lie, right?
Because, finally
Page 9
Koizumi: ...What... are you doing...?
Page 10
Koizumi: ...gross...
Page 11
Yuki: ...Don't give up.
It's not over yet.
...Read this.
*The Little Mermaid*
Oh, for those who were friended recently and don't understand what this foolishness is, "The Little Mermaid" is a Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi Kyon/Koizumi online doujin that I am translating basically for my own entertainment. Previous parts can be found in my memories.