Finished my last final!

Apr 18, 2008 21:35

This means two things!

a. Summer has officially begun. Of course, you'd never know this judging from the MASSIVE RANDOM HAILSTORM that took place in Victoria this afternoon. What the fuck is us with that shit?

b. I can play World of Warcraft again! All in all, I think it was good to take some time off, as it forced me to find other things to do on the internet, like watch stupid viral movies on YouTube... well, maybe I'm just as well off chilling in Azeroth. Off I go!

Also I go to the opera with Dylan tomorrow night! Colour me excited.

(PS: ...I... finished chapter one of a Kyon/Koizumi fic. I, think I might be obsessed, and I have no clue why.)

world of warcraft, anime, real life, school, fandom

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