More Shadow Hearts

Jul 01, 2005 15:03

God, I love Joachim.

Yuri *knew* winning the Rose Bondage outfit for Joachim was a very bad idea. Knew it, in fact, the moment they walked by Gerard on the way out of Le Havre. The shopkeeper had got a rather noticable erection before fainting dead away on the ground.

That should have prepared him for what was to come.

Of course, he knew it was a bad idea. He just didn't know *how* bad.

Yuri was used to his sexuality being threatened. There had been the constant presence of Meiyuan, a couple fiascos with Keith, one very very drunken incident with *Gepetto* of all people which neither of them had ever mentioned since, Gerard and Pierre, Kurando, any number of random guys on the street trying to pick him up...

(The worst of it was that everyone else seemed to find it genuinely funny. Even Alice. Once, in frustration, he had finally growled "Doesn't your God say gay people are going to *hell?* Isn't this, I don't know, *blasphemous* or somethin'?"

"The Lord's words are always open to interpretation," said Alice solemnly, but he could have sworn she was laughing at him when he wasn't looking for the entire rest of the day.)

But the point was that those threats had always come from outside. No matter what happened, Yuri knew that ultimately, he wasn't interested in other men.

And now... he can't be sure.

Because suddenly Joachim is looking really attractive to him. And there is something fundamentally wrong with that.


...Eventually Yuri finds an item that protects him from this particular status ailment. But until then, comedy!

In summary, threatening Yuri's sexuality is my new lj interest. And it should be yours too. Poor guy.

shadow hearts, homogay, fandom

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