More Pointless Fun?

Aug 08, 2005 08:04

Monty Python: The Twit Olympics...or the Dirty Hungarian Phrasebook.
Television: Gargoyles,Arrested Development,Dead Like Me,Six Feet Under.
Fanfiction:....slash. I love slash.
What Food Do You CraveTacos...
Nap Time: Not since SK.
Something that Your School Is Known For: Producing Stressed Out Coffee Addicts. Also apparently, our school is really ostentatious and "bitchy", but that's unfounded! Lol.
Witch! Witch!: I am not made of wood, nor do I weigh the same as a duck, so piss off!
Last Movie You Saw: Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
Last Thing You Ingested: Coke. Mmmm. Coke.
You win five million dollars from the Publisher's sweepstakes and the same day as that big Ed guy gives you the check, aliens land on the Earth and say they're going to blow up the world in two days. What do you do? Rewatch Heathers, have a money fight, go to Chapters/Indigo and buy some books.Go see some bands in concert, go to the Art Gallery and Museum.Finally before being blown to miniscule smithereens by said aliens...I go have myself a coffee.
Slash: Good old Nash the Slash.
Song Stuck In Your Head: "The Morning Fog"-Kate Bush, and "Fast and Frightening"-L7.
You Are: The mistress of the game that is...Trivial Persuit.
Weirdest Look You've Ever Gotten: "Oh...what's that book about?" "Oh. It's Fyodor Dostoevsky. It's a bunch of short stories that have existential undertones. I call it my primer to existentialism." *weird look* "I'll let you get back to your smart people book.".
Longest Word You can Use Correctly in a Sentence: Antidisestablishmentarianist.
Do You Know of Anyone Geekier than Geek Boy (note: His RPG making,Star Wars loving computer hacking, dating tashie who is the definitive dork and FFXI playingness): Yes. I do.
Greatest Fear: Children and small dogs.
Nicest Scent: Coffee and cigarettes (what shall be known as the Dave smell),Vanilla,Tandoori.
Instrument of Choice:Acoustic guitar.
Quick! Name a Rrriot Girl Band!:Sleater Kinney, X Ray Spex, Bikini Kill...Le Tigre, L7, The Pandoras, The Slits, The Dwarves...
QUICK! NAME A Goth Band!: Bauhaus...
Deathrock?: 45 Grave....X Mal Deutschland.
Trip Hop?: Sneaker Pimps.
Pop Rock: Die Survey Die *stab-stab-stab*.
Why Do You Love These Strange Surveys: Because they provide a safe and creative outlet for the homicidal youth of America...or Canada...or England...or Denmark...or wherever you livejournal denizens like to live.
There's A Hole In the Wall: And the hermit's pretty tall. And I like black milk tea with lots of honey!
The New Game: "Are you on the list? So you are a terrorist!"-The Dresden Dolls.
What Social Disorder Do You Have: I'm very very schizotypal.
Name a Good Author: Vladimir Nabokov.
Shmee: Squee.
Most Interesting thing About Where You Live: Errr. The CN Tower? That the Virgin Suicides was filmed by my school? Queen Street? Kensington. Something's always open, I don't know!
Who Do You Live To Torture:Nobody...I swear! I'm not a sadist!
Anyone Torture You: Of course! Where would I be in the grand horrid angsty scheme of things if there were no pathetic weak sheep to torture me!!! *snerk*
Do You Know The Names of Your LJ Friends: I think so...quiz me?
Famous Last Words?: "Either this wallpaper goes...or I do!"

Who writes these? O.o

I do. for boredom fun.
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