Story: Ai-yaI-yaI-yai-yai!

Feb 10, 2008 12:43

Title: Ai-yai-yai-yai-yai!
Fandom: Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (Team 1)
Pairing: None
Prompt: 011. Uh-oh!
Rating: K to K+
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters. They own me. Saban, Disney, and Badai own the characters, but they don't own me. It's pretty simple.
Word Count: 350
Author's Notes: Can't write a summary or warning without giving away the plot. Just take a chance and tell me what you think. Unbeta'd.

"Billy, patient and wise, you shall command the powerful Triceratops dinozord"

The blue-dressed boy tuned out after those words. He heard and subconsciously registered the words, certainly, but he wasn't paying attention. A disembodied face thought he could be a superhero?

Billy must've hit his head harder than he thought. He'd run through the halls of the Youth Center, assuming the others were on his heels, trying to find a safe place to wait out the earthquake. He'd tripped, stumbled over his shoelace, and must've blacked out just before he hit the floor. When he opened his eyes a second later, here he was.

"But why would I dream this?" Billy wondered to himself. The consoles surrounding him and the polysectioned multifunctional automaton, sure, but the other teenagers? The disembodied face?

Billy knew it would be foolish to dismiss the idea that he could dream up such a fanciful scenario as aliens wanting to invade earth. Why those teens as his teammates, though? Why not...

"Come on, Billy," Emily called to him. "We're leaving."

"All right," Billy responded, following behind the girl and her friends.

Her friends. Emily was nice enough, but since this was his dream, why not his friends? If he squinted slightly, he could almost imagine that the burly football player, a junior, was Jason, and Luisa could almost be mistaken for Trini if one looked at her from the back. Sure, Matt didn't look anything like Zack, and Emily and Kim weren't at all similar, but Billy associated that with this being a very odd dream.

He walked after the others, stepping through the door of the room. He sheilded his eyes against the brightness. After being in such a dark room, the California sunshine was especially harsh.

"I'm going to wake up, I'm going to wake up," he whispered to himself.

He blinked a few times, trying to banish the spots from his eyes. His vision cleared, and he peered around.

There was sand, cliffs, brush, and almost nothing else.

This wasn't anywhere near the Youth Center.

Billy Cranston therefore could not be dreaming.


prau, fanfiction, power rangers

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