(no subject)

May 05, 2012 01:17

I'm officially twenty-five and I'm scared shitless. I dunno. It all just kind of hit me at once and I'm lying here in bed having ALL THE FEELS about it.

I just...holy fucking shit. I'm twenty-five now. When did this happen?

I'm scared and I feel kind of lonely (though I've been feeling like the latter a lot lately), but I'm not sure why. And I kind of wish I could call someone up right now to just talk until I felt less of both but it's currently 1:10 in the morning and all my friends are either asleep or busy.

Hopefully by the time I wake up, I'll be less freaked out and more excited. And I mean it could be worse: At least I don't live in the Timer universe where everyone has a literal biological clock that starts at twenty-five. That'd be one hell of a shitty present.

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