Tanto que hacer, tan poco tiempo....

Apr 10, 2012 21:59

So much to write about and all really want to do is gripe about how I am reluctantly looking forward to attending my therapist appointment tomorrow. Reluctantly, because it means not going to class and I'm already not going on Thursday because I'm going to be up in Austin for the premiere of The Devil's Carnival; and also because like...since I'm back into some semblance of a routine now that I'm taking classes three days a week, I feel pretty good. (Although today in the middle of class I was hit out of nowhere with a sudden patch of missing someone terribly, but I managed to fight off the cycle of wondering whether or not they missed me even half as much because I had shit to do.) However, I know that part of the reason I've been feeling pretty good has to do with the medication I've been taking every morning since November and I'm down to five pills with no refill on file. And I'm kind of scared to find out what happens if I were to just suddenly stop taking them. >.>

On the other hand, I wish I was actually seeing him to talk about my problems more regularly than once a month. :\ The medication is only part of the answer. I know that talking/hashing out my issues is another, very important part. Maybe I'll see what SAC has to offer in the way of counseling services? It'd be nice to go on an "every other week" business.

Speaking of? SAC is amazing. I love it there. I almost love it there more than I enjoyed it at StMU. The community is very chilled out and welcoming. Since the class I'm taking on campus is "come on your own time" it's just pretty awesome, and I've carved out a nice little routine for myself. Work for two hours, take an hour for lunch, and work for two hours more before I go home. On Wednesdays I go to GALA meetings, and I'm trying to find more groups to get involved with (maybe starting next semester I'll join the Japanese Culture Club and Drama Club, provided I can schedule classes on Fridays) because it's just really kind of infectious.

Anyway. So thus far, I've been doing pretty good. Quite ahead of schedule in both of my classes, liked by my teachers... I think I'm starting to make friends? It'll come with time. I'm honestly not too worried about it, especially since I've gotten back in touch with Veronica. :3 She came by last week and we got all caught up. It's good to see that she's finally in a good place, and she's as adorable as ever (which reminded me of how I used to have a small crush on her for a little while in my early years at university). It'll be good to hang out with her again Thursday night, along with Ruth and Lauren. Been a while since there's been a girls' night out. And to Austin, no less! It's gonna be friggin' sweet. I just need to make sure my outfit is all sewn up well and dandy. I finally got to use this fuzzy pink leopard print fabric Sally sent me a couple years ago. Can't wait to have it all done and ready.

medical things, girls' night out, austin adventures, medicine, school, friends, hangtime shenanigans, the devil's carnival

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