So I'm probably turning into Ean Amherst and that might be okay.

Nov 09, 2011 21:44

Then again, it might just be a mix of all the little coincidences that have so far occurred this month and my ever increasing focus on my project for NaNoWriMo that makes me feel like that. It just feels like I'm slowly turning into him or being possessed by him, something I haven't felt since I wrote "The White Parade" five years ago. It's hard to explain, really... Maybe I'll try to word it out better later.

Speaking of NaNo, I put up a new part last night. Read it here. The writing has been going pretty smoothly for the most part. I'm a little surprised by who has shown up--and I realized today that one of the newer characters (meaning one I just made up this month) looks like one of the characters who already exists. Fuck. /o\ Oh well. During edits, I can change him up, or maybe it'll be important later on. Who knows? I'm also realizing that as the month wears on, I'm turning more and more into a hermit away from my computer. But hey! I'm getting things done at least, right? I'll hit 50k no problem this year.

Anyway. Today was really awesome. Went out to the mall and bought some new Vinylmations!

I went to the Disney Store originally to pick up another one from the Robot series, but they were out. D: Then I remembered that they'd just put out the Alice series and had a "buy one, get one from Nightmare Before Christmas free," so that's what I went with. I got the Hedgehog from the croquet scene for the Alice series and picked up the Mayor from NBC. He comes with a hat! And even has the other face!

And then. You guys. And then. So like...I installed the app on the iPhone/glorified iPod touch today and was playing around with it when I discovered that Morrissey was going to be doing a concert at The Majestic Theatre on Monday night. And then I discovered it was sold out.

And then I remembered that "sold out" generally only refers to the able-bodied seating.

So then this happened:


Because my mom is willing to drive me downtown on a Monday night. Because she is awesome. Even though she doesn't know who Morrissey is (and made the most bemused face when I played a song clip for her). It's gonna be awesome.

In other news, I am on the second day of the full pill and still adjusting really well! :D And it's... I'm finding that I'm able to open up more to my parents about what it's been like for me. I actually sent my mom that one Hyperbole and a Half comic about the author's experience with depression and it led to us having a really good discussion the next morning. I think they both understand a little bit more now that it's not just about being lazy or sad for any specific reason, that there isn't just one thing that they can do to magically fix it but that being supportive really helps. And like... I learned stuff about my mom that I'd never known before about her own experience with therapy. And then tonight, dad told me something he's never told anyone, and I think even he's opening up and understanding/being supportive in his own way. He's trying. It's a good thing.

Sleep wise, things are improving. I even managed to stay asleep pretty much until ten today without any of the inability to stay asleep or restlessness that I've been having for the past week or so. Hopefully that continues to remain because I like having the routine that I've got. (Although my brother suggested that the early rising might be a good thing. "You could get something more productive done, y'know.") With that slowly moving out of the way, I've come to notice the other side effect that seems to affect most people on antidepressants.

My sex drive has kind of dropped to nothing. Like...nothing.

I guess might be a good thing for my writing this month because it's kind of hard to make word count with one hand down my pants, but I tried getting off this morning and like...nothing. I couldn't even get aroused. Which is really, really weird for me because I have always been very, very quick to experiencing arousal and have hardly ever had a problem getting off. Even having known it was a side effect (and that it's apparently temporary), it's still kind of unexpected and bothers me a little, so I hope that gets sorted out soon. >.> In the meantime, I'll count my blessings that Gerard licking his fingers or Janove being half-naked and sweaty will not distract me from writing about shenanigans on haunted farms.

Anyway. My brother comes home this weekend. I'm gonna take him to see J. Edgar on Friday since he's a straight-identifying young man in love with Leonardo DiCaprio and because it sounds like he's had an up-and-down week at school. Kid needs a little distraction from school woes. Having been there myself, movie nights are usually a good remedy. He's also going to try to making something called 2am Chili... We'll see how that goes.

morrissey, tmi, sex, medicine, national novel writing month, fangirl moment, nano, concert, nanowrimo, tmi alert, family, sex talk, brother

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