Positives & Negatives.

Apr 27, 2011 18:02

- Still no word from SVA. No word from Pratt, either. The suspense is killing me. If I don't hear anything by the end of the week, I'm calling SVA's Art Therapy Department on Monday. We'll see how that goes.
- I need to change my LJ layout. Note to self.
+ My brain finally seems to be getting back into the groove of Under the Van Gogh or stories related to that series.
+/- I had a crazy-ass nightmare this morning of exploring an abandoned hospital and getting chased by corpses. However, I realized over breakfast that this would make the best foundation for a character-establishing story.
+ We finished the centerpiece of Ruth's gift yesterday. I can't tell you what it is because Ruth reads my blog. XP
? I am in a weird headsapce. I want to say that it's because of the nightmare I had this morning, but I think it goes further back than that. My dreams have been very vivid and varied lately, mostly dealing with people I know and technology (Tumblr's been making a big appearance, but texting has featured, too); mostly they're full of feelings of dread, nervousness, distress, or anger.* In my waking hours, I'm usually fine, but sometimes I run through brief patches of paranoia, jealousy, melancholy; then a few hours later, I'll be mentally giddy or hyperactive, full of ideas and energy. Today I could barely focus in class. I've been feeling kind of restless, too, balanced out with having a couple days where I didn't want to get out of bed at all.

I'm not sure what to make of it. It's probably just one of my regular emotional whirlwind phases, plus my birthday coming up, plus the prolonged anxiety of not knowing what my future looks like. I've been having lots of thinky thoughts, and my brain keeps wandering off to histrionic personality disorder. I don't think I have it, necessarily, but a lot of the symptoms feel like they hit close to home. :\ An attempt to write a poem about it failed fantastically after the first verse.

Anyway. This weekend, I will be all the busy. Race for the Cure on Saturday; Ruth's baby shower on Sunday. I am excited. My brother is also coming home this weekend, so it'll be kind of cool to hang out with him, too. :3

*There was one dream this morning, after waking up from the nightmare, that was surprisingly light. I was in a Starbucks-like coffee shop with Ruth buying Easter candy--mainly chocolate-covered marshmallow bunnies and chocolate-covered marshmallow eggs on sticks--when she met a fellow pregnant friend and went off to chat. I went to the register and the cashier was this handsome guy who looked like a young Neil Gaiman with glasses in all his dark, curly-haired glory. He became really smitten with me and escorted me back to my car. It was really kind of cute.)

birthday, thinky thoughts, upcoming events, dreams, list, writerly business, school, emotions, frustrated, grad school angst, friends, thinking, writing idea

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