San Japan: Several days later.

Jul 14, 2010 23:09

Hullo, everybody!

I am still sort of recovering from San Japan. I'm not even sure how to describe how the weekend went, except to say that it was awesome. Well...except maybe for the somewhat disorganized-feeling gamer room tournaments, but other than that...

I seriously meant to take stream-of-consciousness notes as the days progressed, but my phone died on Friday from too much use. (My phone is weird.) I managed to buy an AC adapter charger on Saturday (the perks of having a hotel directly connected to a mall) but completely forgot about my plan to take notes. So now I'm sitting here, going, "Uh...San Japan was great. Yeah, that's it."

Prior to tossing out ones that didn't work for one reason or another, I had close to 100 photos. Perhaps not a lot considering it was a three-day convention, but I haven't taken close to 100 pictures in a long time. Editing everything is suddenly daunting again! XD But it was amazing to see everybody's costumes, and how much they put into it. My mom, seeing pictures one of my friends put up, was also rather shocked. She outright stated that, next year, I really have to "go all out" with costuming. I hope she remembers this when she starts to ask why I'm spending so much money on costume materials.

I'm still not sure yet what my favorite part was. It keeps changing. It might've been the Mock Combat Workshop run by Chris Ayres on Saturday, or maybe it was the two 18+ panels I attended Saturday night--that is, the Anime Dating Game and Voice Actors Unplugged panels, (where I couldn't take any pictures). The VAU panel actually sparked some ideas for a story, so I hope I'll be able to work that out from start to finish. Then agian, it might also have been the Repo! panel on Sunday. (Speaking of, if you're in San Antonio, Vanity & Vein will be performing this Thursday!) Come to think of it, it might've also been the zombies discussion panel, which included these quote gems:

"I would use a flamethrower and two knives." -A little boy (who looked like Ean as a kid) answering the question about what weapons they'd use. The packed group clapped.

"I would save Bill Murray!" -Someone else, when asked what part of their plan B. There was much cheering.

And when asked about my weapons? "The Puerto Rican in me says machete for melee, and the Army brat in me says scoped rifle with hollow-points."

Someone got a lot of cheers when they mentioned the Desert Eagle as their long-distance weapon of choice. In hindsight, it's also probably lighter to carry.

My favorite part about the weekend might also possibly have been the CMoH (that's Crowning Moment of Heartwarming, for those unfamiliar with TV Tropes) that happened at the masquerade ball on Friday night. Dances for me are always kind of bittersweet. I can't exactly dance the way others can, and I haven't exactly figured out how to make my rough equivalent more graceful. So I tend to either look sort of silly dancing in my seat...or I don't dance at all. I just kind of hang.

(Unrelated: A Red Robin commercial just came on, which reminds me of somebody doing that at the con--and actually getting the "YUM!" response. XD Other call-and-returns that got tossed around: "Buttscratcher!" and "I just lost the game!" Which now you've just done. Congrats!)

My friend Andrew (aka, That Guy in the V Mask") is of the philosophy that it doesn't matter how silly you look or think you're going to look; the point of dancing is just to dance and have fun. (Later in the night, he summed it up as, "I'm Latino. When we're at a party, I'm going to throw down!") So after escorting me into the ball itself, and after dancing with a mutual friend of ours, comes up to me and says, "I don't care if you run over my feet. You and me are gonna dance." And we did! Not like..."staying in one place" dancing. It really was pretty much the equivalent of the box step and barring one or two near-collisons with other dancers, it was really pretty awesome. ^^;

And then after that, the guy running the panel on zombies asked to dance with me! And then this adorable girl in a pink kimono-type of dress asked to dance with me as well. (And then asked me for tulle becaue her Digimon costume had a wardrobe malfunction. Sadly, the only bit of tulle I had on me was the tulle in my masquerade ball skirt. D:) So it was a good night. We checked out the karaoke event right after, but I left as soon as four guys reminded me of the sad fact that Freddie Mercury is dead. (Think "Bohemian Rhapsody" done by screamo drunken fratboys. It was worse than it sounds.) I was going to try and join the group together with "The Saga Begins" but the list was way long and by the time it would've been my turn, there weren't that many people left to rally together. XD So yeah. >.>

Some other highlights:

- This picture with Tuxedo Mask.
- Having an old guy who was running a kiosk in the Rivercenter Mall yell, "You're cute!" as I ran past to buy breakfast on Saturday. (Must've been the Little Red Riding Hood costume.)
- This was also pretty awesome. I honestly didn't think the barista was gonna write it. XD
- Sally just sent me this, which has nothing to do with San Japan and everything to do with being amusingly awesome.
- I got out-adorable-faced by Chris Ayres. (He ran the mock combat, and also voice acts.) No, really! Look!:!/photo.php?pid=31488946&id=173600465
- I bought a sword. I will have pictures of it soon (along with my panda kigurumi, cat ears, and bell collar), but for now, here's a cute boy with a sword:

I came home Sunday afternoon, hyper and talking a mile a minute to my dad about how the con went. And then I changed into a comfy shirt and promptly needed a two-hour nap--during which I slept through the first text message Sally sent to wake me up (like she said she would do). Monday I started watching Gantz, which is this violent batshit insane anime (well, originally a manga, which Dark Horse has brought over). Long story short: The newly dead are recruited by some alien sphere...thing into fighting aliens with weird guns and even weirder suits. It's... If you did a drinking game based on the number of times "fuck" is used, you'd be drunk by the start of the second episode.

Tomorrow I need to get my brother to finally bring in from the van the backpack I used for San Japan. It has my new cat ears inside, as well as my glasses, which I need to see the screen at Repo! tomorrow. Curse my nearsightedness!

Also? This amused the hell out of me. Musical chairs, FTW!

fanboys, deviantart, photos, conventions, san japan, fangirl moment

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