If there weren't enough problems...

Aug 07, 2006 10:06


To make things worse, my car's brakes were destroyed this weekend. Luckly Netrage's brother and him were able to fix them before I damaged the car more but I guess the ball barings are going now too as Sterling pointed out some time ago and when I left the car at Netrage's house the following weekend, Andy said they were fine...

Also there seems to be a nail in my tire so If I don't do something about that soon I might end up stranded somewhere when the nail comes out.

I haven't heard from any of the Kent jobs either and I guess I could file for unemployment till I get a job but my mail service is being stupid and I'd never see the checks anyway.

Also when I returned from Fieldcon, My fish Tiger had died with a hole in his side, about a week before, the snail Kimiko gave me died with nothing but a shell so I figured the body disinagrated or something. So that is mostly likely what killed him. I hope he does rest in peace. I cleaned the tank immediately after his death and all the fish seem to be fine now other than I just noticed that they are all NIGHT fish...and this makes me feel really bad for Tiger again....I have no idea what I'd do once Ace is gone. That huge fish!! I'd don't think he'd fit in the tolet let alone, just him floating will scare me so much.

So as a recap...

-Lost Job
-Lost Fish
-Lost Car
-Lost Money
-Lost Friend
-Gained Weight
-Pay Student Loan
-Pay Car Loan
-Do Income

I wish I knew what to do but I guess that is life...

I want to thank you everyone who is helping me through this or just replying. I've always had a hard time coping with things and just sleep to get rid of it which is ok and might explain why I've been sleepy everyday lately but too much of anything is bad for you.

The weekend in general was ok. I went to a few garage sales and got some Yugioh cards (15 for 2$) and a purple bed spread for 8$ w/ a Zebra blanket.

I also went to a bridal shower that was really nice. It was my first one. It's very interesting. I got her nail stuff thanks to Netrage on the last minute because I didn't know you needed one for bridal showers. I need to go shopping with my sister for matching shoes sometime for the dresses. I hope they won't be much and I can still fit into the dress...

This weekend I guess I'm still going to Murtle Beach since it's a 200 fine if we don't go to the hotel and we already made plans. I just lose my job the night we go...since I'm going w/ Netrages help. I'll make sure not to be sad till I return and from there I'll try to stay strong.

~Plans for Murtle Beach~

Beach all day
Put-put golf
parashute attached to boat (forgot name)
anime store at Murtle Square Mall. (I've been there every time I've been to Murtle Beach)
& Boardwalk
*maybe* amusement park Pavalin.

We estimated 200 dollars total but will the other stuff other than the beach it's 300 total. It will be Kimiko's first time at a beach too. I really wanted to go and I think that's why I was so upset at first because I couldn't if I had to find a job on that week and everything and Mc Donalds came back to mind. And with all my bills I can't afford a job lower than 8 dollars w/o cutting my food bill. My spending bill is not much as it is and I'd care less for cutting that one.

It's really sad that unemployment pays more than working at McDonalds in the morning shift (+1.00 + 5.50)and 45 hours a week...I personally experienced it...

But I'm blessed with my friends who keep pulling me till I can stand on my own again. I thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for keeping me up. All of you.

All I can do is keep going...

On the good side...maybe

TNMT is having another movie in CG...which sort of scares me since I have yet to see a good ALL CG movie...CG the same as the Pixar/Dreamworks stuff? The review for it looked really cool and like the animated series which I wish to collect if they ever have a boxset for it.

Other things I need to do-
I'd like to redo this journal some with Sailor Saturn on it. I might have found a site to do so.

I need to make a website for Cos-Arena, since problems may start up again soon

I NEED to play DDR!!!!!!!! GET IT OR SOMETHING ;_; Oh DDR...come back to me...

Now for some Quizes-

You scored as Sailor Saturn. You are mysteriouis, enjoy reading and like the colour purple. You use your silence to attack others. You are able to defend yourself against most things.

Sailor Saturn
Sailor Mercury
Sailor Uranus.
Sailor Venus
Sailor Jupiter
Sailor Mars
Sailor Neptune
Sailor Pluto
Sailor Chibi Moon
Sailor Moon
Which Sailor Moon character are you?
created with QuizFarm.com

I am 76% Video Game Addict.

I got a problem, man. I may not find the answer to life in a video game. I need to turn off the console or computer, go outside and try some reality for a change.
Take the
Video Game Addict Test
@ FualiDotCom

~Ja ne.
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