Where do I start....
Well figuring out plans for about 2 months you would think things would go out smoothly...WRONG!
One person killed the WHOLE thing and NO ONE stopped him. I wanted to but I have no power let alone is still unsure about being a member? His name... MIKE...
WE had everything planned out and he stuck a fork in it and threw it away and NO ONE STOPPED HIM!!!! NO ONE!!!!!!!
And they just sat there and let him use the event to fund raise for Anime Punch!!! Which is a NO NO!!! Money from people for a con, GOES for a Con. If you make money after words that's fine. But you don't have a 0$ budget and get 15$ from 13 people + 20 more dollars from people for FOOD + 5 from one person who entered the drawing which equals a GRAND TOTAL of 220.00 . And you want to know how much he spend on those people? 10.00....10.00$!!!! On water pellets that only He/Robin/Rail used and 2.00 on food for 4 people!!! 4.00!!!
This is wrong and he now owes Snowy, Netrage, Rail, and myself 10.00$ each for food.
Notes for next time-
Pay for a generator to play anime like a drive in theater at least one night (or else DON'T ADVERTISE AS AN ANIME CONVENTION!!!)
Food is not an option. Snacks are.
Other than that it went ok...I had fun but at the same time it was really bad.
I lost money and a best friend on this trip. You think you know someone and then when disaster happens they are no where to be found...or they just don't care and would rather throw you away for their survival in stead of finding a way for both to live.
My best friends are not just great friends, they are sisters to me, and we are family. At least this is to me. They are my family. I had 4 I can trust in any situation, but now I'm down to three because of a mis-comunication. I was NOT happy at all.
The weekend started where I got home to pack after only 3 hours of sleep from the night before of packing clothes. Snowy's mother was there and it was nice to see her again. Sadly Snowy never got my message that we were leaving at 5:30pm since I now had to go pick up Rail and he needed to be in Columbus as soon as possible. It was my fault because I thought I did tell her the day after telling her that Netrage and myself needed to work longer on Thursday so we weren't leaving till 7pm but didn't, like Netrage does at times.
Then as the prepared Netrage checked his car to make sure nothing would happen on our way to pick Rail, his car DIED...from not putting a cap on tight enough. In front of a gas station being built. Snowy & I walked half way there to get Rail and his grandfather. Some guys mean while stopped and help Netrage out which was great. Thank goodness they came. By the time we returned things were a bit better and the car was running again after we found out that Netrage's car has a stop feature before his car gets way too hot. As we started driving away the heat gauge continue to rise instead of fall. So we stopped again to see what the problem was.
So another hour when by and Netrage figured out the problem and the car cooled off much faster and we were finally on our way to Columbus, three hours late.
We got to Columbus and dropped everyone off at Mike's house, surprisingly he reconized me this time and not at Colossalcon...Sortly after now being around midnight. Katie took Netrage and I around the city as Snowy stayed home. I went to my first bar. It wasn't smokey or anything so I was cool with it. I had Ice tea type drink and 2 Albama Slammers. I remember Mario Party and Jello and that's about it...
The next day we went to Fieldcon. We had some sort of race and won which by what means we don't know since we have a 30min. delay due to someone forgetting the permit and we stopped for food and still made it 10 mins before them.
Then it started...
First Snowy ended up with an extra of Jon's because she thought we had a tent FOR HER...which was not the case. Since I said she would have her own tent if we couldn't use Netrage's LARGE tent. So Netrage and I set up the large tent OURSELVES while she was mad and put her tent next to Jon's. THEN Mike said all we had was Ramen for our ten dollars which nothing against Ramen having nothing but that for 3 days is a problem health wise. So aware of the situation I asked Snowy what she wanted from the store and she said she "didn't care" and she DID NOT come with us. Well we went to the closet town possible and shopped for food which was actually pretty cheap and we were able to get stuff. Sadly we returned with our list of goods that everyone wanted and Snowy said she "WOULD NOT" eat the breakfast stuff due to "AMERICAN MEAT." Normally I don't have a problem with this, but we SPENT MONEY ON HER FOR HER and she doesn't want it?! Why did she say she "DIDN'T CARE." I shopped for all three of us!
Then they set us back into town for firewood that was no where in the town. We returned and demanded them to get the wood that wasn't allowed in the area anyway but we found a spot with plenty of wood since we spend ALL DAY in that town. And of course Snowy just stayed away mad at something so we made dinner of Speggettii and joined the others at the fire. I left her food in the pots to keep away from bugs since she wasn't talking to me. I figured she can get it and still not talk to me. I was so TICKED that I didn't care about her attitude since she stayed at the camp site all day doing what? She did come angery over asking for water and food. I assumed the food was snacks so I opened the door of the car that was unlocked and got her water and then she went away. Midnight came and the dinner was still there so we pitched it and I assumed she had poptarts or something.
Next morning I wake up and Netrage tells me that Snowy was snapping at him because she didn't get any dinner the night before. My limit gaudge rose...and I walked over and helped Eric make amulets. I asked Snowy if she want her's nicely after ALL THAT HAD happened and she snapped at me saying "Well If you think I deserve it." I stared at her as everyone shut up. I swear I was going to cuse her out but I took a deep breathe and asked. "Yes or No Snowy?" She coorperated after words. I'm so happy I wasn't on my period because that would have ended badly. The rest of the weekend she kept to herself. We almost didn't play Cos-Arena because I was too nervous no one would like it and compare it to the fricking RBG. But Netrage gave me the courage and I did it with his great help.
Rest of Fieldcon went smoothly and I made some great new friends. I got closer to Mishi & Michi and a girl named Selphie and a boy names Cloud who liked Cos-Arena. I wish to hear from him again and I wish Selphie luck with him. This included me flashing a group of people which will never happen again because...I don't regret it, it was a nice experience but it's just boring...and really no point to it at all. I'm glad (and surpeised I did it)I got to do it at least once though. And once it will ever be.
We were able to go to the beach shortly afterwords after Snowy just wanted to go home and join in. It upset me because I literitly got burned because she was mad at me and I couldn't get the sun screen, it was 90 degrees and she just wanted to go home. She gave in some how but again gave me the silent treatment. And then she was arguing about the littlest things like leaving her at Mikes since she did NOT want to go and she wasn't making decisions on her own, so if she doesn't make them then who will? We were running out of time and I yelled at her if she didn't like my decisions then she needs TO MAKE THEM HERSELF.
Even now she doesn't talk to me the way we used to before this trip. But it's offically over since I know the only reason she says hi when I walk into the door because she's scared that I'll raise rent from what it is now which is $0.
I'm not like that. What I said is what I said even if she does tick me off. All over miss-comcunication... I don't care any more. She ovbiously doesn't care about me the way I did her and just wants to be by herself. I'll help if she asks but ONLY when she asks..since help other wise just got me in debt and seriously BURNED inside and out.
So she is NO LONGER my best friend....just a friend...maybe less...I'm still debating...
Next I return to find three days later that my job is dropped. I'm was working on 3 catalogs that got turned into 2 because the 3 one doesn't matter anymore and they wanted to drop me this week. Luckly my boss was nice enough to hold my job another week to find another job...
Ironicly AGAIN...my parking pass ends on the 11th of august...as my job ends the 10th of August...
Also I had this werid dream of disney's gargoyles where I was a human and I wanted to see Brooklyn but then he was restling this red female gargoyle. I got sad and left. Later I ran into him again. I ran up to him, Took my shirt half way off with my back to him and was going to tell him about my wings and he put a hand out and said "No, I've seen them already...they are beautiful..." I blushed and can't remember the rest.
But I did research the next day and a comic book called Gargoyles came out last month...Disney's Gargoyles. Taking place after season 2 and the first episode of Season 3, ignoring the rest....It's sold out at the moment and if it does well Disney said they will bring a season 4 to gargoyles...
Mike owes Netrage & I, 30 dollars....I will get that money...
~Ja ne!!!