Nov 17, 2004 14:08
I feel quite refreshed today, minus the uber hangover. Seems like what I did last nite was what I needed. My life has finally gone back to a straight path again. Oh yea, aparently Jacks parent knew Dad and just things are weird with his habits (shivers) still creepy though. Oh yes, my pc is back to aokie status again. I made new friends again ^_^. I still need to buy another bottle of vodka now for my new years celebration. That is a nite to get uberly drunk. I still have like half a bottle left. but since it is open, mite as well use it to keep me happy from now till new years. Oh yea, I saw this boi who may be cute to be with. He is like, begging to be told what it is like to have fun in a perverted way. He stumbles on himself when he tries DDR. lol. Fun to watch XD. AS the matter with a creep, I finally am able to tell him to get a life. I just hope he takes up on that matter. No wonder so many hate him. I also ran my longest today at 10 miles an hour. That was like 4 minutes then I fell off the tread mill. Pain, but fun pain. I couldnt stop laughing at how much it hurt. OO there was his guy that helped me up after I fell. A Marine =0~~. He has a cocky sense of humor that I cant just help but laugh at. (notes, that is a good way to pick up cute guys) Play the helpless maiden XD. Okie, have some shopping ot do ^_^. I am gonna max out my credit card,err, maybe not, but I am gonna buy a new bottle of vodka. Just need someone 21 to buy the frreaken bottle. (luvy huggies) ^_^ tootles
Lin Lin