Title: Broken Flowers
Pairing: Sakura/Sasuke
Summary: “For you.” He say, his voice low and raspy, his palm extending towards her, showing the bruised flowers that still seemed to hold on to their delicate beauty.
Rating: Pg
Disclaimer: Naruto doesn’t belong to me.
Broken Flowers
The flowers are crushed in his hand. The pinks petals bruised and marred; their delicate nature unable to withstand his apathy. He can’t stand the sight of such frail beauty being destroyed by his hands. It feels too familiar and reminds him of the pink haired girl with the jaded eyes. It’s ironic how easily he can crush her hope with a few words just like he destroyed the flowers in his hand and he hates himself for it because he doesn’t want to hurt her. He doesn’t. He really doesn’t. But the words stumble from his mouth before he has a chance to stop himself
“For you.” He say, his voice low and raspy, his palm extending towards her showing the bruised flowers that still seemed to hold on to their delicate beauty. She looks at him with wide green eyes filled with surprise and disbelief.
“Sasuke-kun…” She starts to say but he interrupts her before she can finish. He needs her to hear this. He needs her to understand.
“I’m sorry.”
I’m sorry, Sakura.
“They got crushed in my hands.”
I broke your heart and left you on a bench with nothing but a thank you.
“I didn’t mean to….”
I never wanted to hurt you and I don’t know the right words to say but I’m trying, god, I’m trying……….
She stares at him with her ever green eyes wide because who would thought that she would see the day where Uchiha Sasuke would be giving her flowers. But there is a sort of desperation in his eyes that she hasn’t ever seen. It’s like he is trying to tell her something, make her understand and the next words that he utters undo her completely.
“Please, Forgive me.” His voice tinged with desperation, his head hanging low refusing to look at her because he doesn’t think he can take her rejection.
“Sasuke-kun” She says, her eyes warm and soft. She walks closer to him and gently places her hand on his cheek, making him look up in surprise. She has never seen him this vulnerable before and decides that it’s a rather good look on him.
“Thank you.” She whispers and places her lips against his before pulling back. It’s so much more than just a fleeting contact of lips, so much more than a kiss. It’s hesitant and unsure and bittersweet and painful just like their history, their past, their unresolved ending. She is about to pull her hand away from his cheek when he grabs her wrist and crushes her body against his. He holds her tightly and she closes her green orbs breathing him in. This is what she has been waiting for since the beginning of time, since the beginning of him and her.
And as he holds her close to him, he feels like he can finally breathe again.
A/N: I haven’t written in a quite a while and I hope I haven’t gotten too rusty. Hope you guys enjoyed the fic and I would be more than happy to listen to feedback! Constructive criticism is more than welcome.