Fall of Reason - Chapter 1/?

Aug 26, 2013 00:47

Author: satine_1984
Title: Fall of Reason
Genre: Angst/Romance
Rating: G - NC-17 (It depends on the chapter)
Word Count: ?

Character Pairings: Luke/Reid, most likely Reid/OC, Luke/OC in between                                           
Other Characters: Katie, Jacob, Casey, Bob, Noah, Chris, Lily, Natalie, a few OC’s, possibly other Oakdale citizens
Warnings: There’s smut. A lot of angst but don’t worry, there will be a happy ending. It’s going to be a long way to happiness for Lure, though, and Reid can be quite an ass sometimes. New characters will be getting involved. Noah, the douche, might also get negatively involved but if and how is not sure yet.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Luke has broken up with Noah and finds himself being drawn into a passionate affair with the surgeon he had actually learned to hate.
Set right after 16th /17th March episode when Reid was beat up by Dennis Judd. The story starts with the scene where Reid visits Luke’s home for the first time to ask him to keep quiet about what happened at the Lakeview but you will notice this scene will have a slightly different ending! ;-)

A/N: The other person on the cover is the American actor David Giuntoli. I used him as an inspiration for my character, Daniel Logan, which I have created for this story. If you happen to know this actor pretty well, you need to know that I didn’t choose him for his appearances on television but mainly for his looks as I’d love to give you a vague idea of how Daniel Logan would look like in my imagination.
This is a multichaptered fic and will be updated regularly. I intend to post once a week, since I’ve already written a few chapters ahead. After a while it might take a little longer.
This is my very first Lure fic and unfortunately English is not my first language. Please be kind. :-)
Speaking of language I definitely need to thank my lovely beta-girls BlueCactus03 and Fremi08 for their suggestions and support and another big thank you to lucsmum, who has given me good advice dealing with smut.
I hope you’re gonna enjoy reading my story and I’d be so happy if you give me your Feedback.

Chapter 1

Luke was staring at the man in front of him like he had just seen a ghost. Of all people in Oakdale, Doctor Oliver was the last person he ever expected to find on his doorstep.
Luke looked at him questioningly, his eyes immediately lingering on the doctor’s bruises, which seemed to be much darker now and were not as hard to overlook anymore. Doctor Oliver was still wearing the same shirt and jacket underneath his coat but what didn’t go unnoticed by Luke was that the first button of the shirt had been opened, revealing a patch of bare skin. Suddenly afraid to be caught staring, Luke cleared his throat and quickly looked up into the doctor’s face again, recognizing the ‘famous’ mocking expression in his eyes.

Luke groaned inwardly.
Just what I need at the end of this horrible day: Another encounter with HIM.

“What are you doing here?” Luke finally asked, when he realized the doctor wouldn’t say something first.
What is he expecting? A warm welcome? A loving invitation?

“Aren’t you going to invite me in?” Doctor Oliver asked bluntly, ignoring Luke’s question.

Luke hesitated for a moment, thinking whether or not he should shut the door in the doctor’s arrogant face but then he remembered his manners and stepped aside, motioning the surgeon to come in. Doctor Oliver casually walked passed him inside the house, taking a curious look at his surroundings.

“Nice place. Not as big as I imagined though.”

Jesus. Does he ever stop with the Richie Rich bull shit?
Luke closed the door a little louder than he had intended and followed Doctor Oliver into the room.

“Oh yes and my butler has recently eloped with the cleaning lady. Just so you know why I’ve answered the door myself.” Luke replied sarcastically, folding his arms across his chest in defiance. “How can I be of service, doctor?”

Doctor Oliver opened his mouth to say something then closed it again, regarding Luke with a dubious expression instead. Luke couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy under the older man’s gaze. He had expected another snarky remark but not this…staring.

“Well?” He tried again, his voice turning impatient. "I don't have all day, you know?"

Doctor Oliver cleared his throat and took a hesitant step towards Luke.

“I need to talk to you about what happened at the Lakeview this afternoon.”

“Oh…okay.” Luke said slowly, trying to sound as uninterested as possible.

“I want you to keep quiet about it.”

Luke scoffed, “Why? Because you don’t want people to find out that someone actually questioned your greatness?”

“He did a little more than that.”

“I know. I was there. So tell me, doctor. Are you a murderer?”

Luke knew he was being quiet bold but after what happened with Noah today he couldn’t care less. He was almost seeking a good fight and the look Doctor Oliver was giving him was everything but friendly right now.

“I feel like becoming one right now, actually.” Doctor Oliver responded in an icy voice.

“Very funny. But, seriously, why do you want me to keep quiet if there’s not some truth in what that guy was saying about you?”

Doctor Oliver rolled his eyes. “It is a false accusation, Mr. Snyder and I just want to prevent the hospital from getting a bad reputation out of it.”

“You really think that I believe you care about the image of Memorial?”

“I would hope so.”

“Well, I don’t. You see…” Luke didn’t want to make it easy for the doctor this time. “I think there must be some truth to that story, otherwise you wouldn’t be afraid of it.”

Luke held his breath when he saw the angry glance Doctor Oliver was flashing at him but he was far too curious to let go now. Besides he kind of liked it that, for the first time the oh-so-perfect Doctor Oliver wanted something from him. Not the other way around, like always.

“I was asking you for a simple favor but you obviously can’t do that, can you?”

“To keep my mouth shut? Of course, I can do that.”

“Thank you.” The doctor said relieved. He was just about to leave, when Luke quickly added,

“On one condition though.” Doctor Oliver turned to face Luke again, a frown appearing on his face. “Tell me the truth about what happened to that man’s daughter.”

Luke noticed a hint of insecurity appearing on the doctor’s face but it was quickly covered by the very annoyed glance he shot at Luke. His jaw clenched tightly when he finally broke the silence.

“Dennis Judd is a grieving father who has trouble getting over his daughter’s death, that’s all.” He said matter-of-factly, while slowly walking back towards Luke.

But Luke wasn’t going to give him a break. “How did she die?”

Doctor Oliver averted Luke’s eyes and Luke could tell that this topic was very uncomfortable for the older man.

“It was a terminal case.” He finally explained. “A brain tumor, which was located in a place that was virtually impossible to reach through surgery.”

“But you tried.”

“I made it very clear to her parents that it was a risky operation with only a very small chance of success, but if we didn’t operate, she was going to die in the next couple of weeks.”

“So I take it the operation wasn’t a success.”

“Well, that’s open to interpretation. I gave the girl a year of life that she wouldn’t have otherwise had.”

“A year?” Luke burst out surprised. “But then why did that guy call you a murderer? Why the hell didn’t you defend yourself?”

“What would you have me do, Mr. Snyder? Fight him? He lost his only daughter. She was 6 years old when she died. Can you even imagine that? You think that guy would have heard anything I had to say to him?”

Luke shrugged. “You never know. You could have at least tried to get through to him but you know what? I’m starting to think you feel you deserved that attack.”

Doctor Oliver scoffed. “That shows me how little you actually understand.”

“Does it?”

“I’d make the same call again.”

“I know that.” Luke took a step closer towards the doctor, looking him directly in the eye. “But you feel that you failed and you can’t handle that. You cared about her, didn’t you?”

Luke realized he had hit a nerve. The doctor was looking at him with pure bewilderment in his eyes.

“You don’t know anything. Spare me the childish analysis.” Flashing Luke a patronizing look he turned to leave again.

“And that’s what makes you such a great doctor.” Luke quickly added, making the older man stop in his tracks.

Luke now was confused how their conversation had drifted.
What made me say that? I was actually able to really unnerve this guy and now I am complimenting him to make him feel better? What is wrong with me?

The look Doctor Oliver shot him when he turned around this time didn’t make it any better. Luke gulped when he tried to figure out the meaning in the doctor’s intense stare. He couldn’t quite place it. It was….different. Like he was looking right into his soul. Luke shivered, when he felt a sudden jolt of electricity rush through his body. He quickly broke eye contact, trying to control the many inappropriate thoughts that suddenly flashed through his mind, when he finally saw Doctor Oliver walking towards him again.

“For the record, I didn’t care more about Annie Judd than about any other patient and I certainly don’t feel that I failed.” Doctor Oliver stated, while stopping right in front of Luke. “I appreciate the recognition though. Yes, I am a great doctor but, you know, that’s never really been a secret.”

Luke felt his cheeks burning. That guy was unbelievable.

“Well, you certainly don’t believe in modesty.” He countered, trying hard to keep a straight face.

“I think humility is overrated. So is sympathy.” The doctor remarked dryly but Luke was certain he had caught a glint of amusement in his eyes.

“Oh, don’t get me wrong. I do not feel sorry for you.” Luke said innocently, unable to hide the cheeky smile on his face this time. Wait, did I just flirt with him?

“Good.” The doctor’s face was a complete mask again, not revealing any emotion. “Well, since you’ve agreed to keep quiet about what happened this afternoon, I can tell you that you don’t have to spend the rest of the day worrying that I’m gonna accidentally kill your boyfriend when I crack open his skull.”

“Great. And thank you for that mental image. It’s lovely but here’s something that you don’t know.” Luke burst out, his voice suddenly tense. “Noah’s not my boyfriend anymore, so you don’t have to worry about me getting in your way today or ever again. I hope I made your day.”

When Luke noticed the frown appearing on the doctor’s face he suddenly wished he wouldn’t have said anything. It hadn’t been Luke’s intention at all to mention the break up. It just had slipped out of him. Oh why couldn’t I keep my stupid mouth shut?
Luke mentally kicked himself for telling the doctor before anyone else knew. And it wasn’t Doctor Oliver’s business after all so why did he have the urge to tell him? He would have heard it from Noah anyway, soon enough.

“The two of you broke up?” The doctor finally asked, a tinge of curiosity in his tone.

“Yes.” Luke replied with a small voice, trying to swallow the lump that all of a sudden seemed to have formed in his throat.

“After you learned that we were staying in Oakdale?”

“That’s right.” His hurt clearly evident in his voice, Luke desperately tried to withstand the man’s glare, whose piercing blue eyes seemed to look right through him. He couldn’t understand why he was suddenly so nervous of what Doctor Oliver would say about the break up.

“Well, I can’t say I’m surprised,” the doctor told him nonchalantly. “You barely gave that guy room to breathe. He felt like he had to take care of you most of the time. Your guilt overwhelmed him.”

Luke’s eyes widened in horror. “He said that?”

“He didn’t have to. It was obvious.”

The doctor’s cold words were like a knife cutting into Luke’s heart. Close to tears, Luke felt his last remaining self-confidence disappear.

“You know, I think you should leave now.” Luke suggested weakly, his voice not even close to threatening.

“Oh, did I hit a nerve?” A smug smirk appeared on the doctor’s lips.

God, I hate him! Luke’s expression went stone cold and he shot the doctor a death glare.

“I don’t think you have any right to talk about a relationship that you know nothing about.” Luke said warningly, his body slightly trembling with anger.

“I know that he wanted you to leave him alone. What I don’t know is what took him so long to finally put himself first.”

“You know what?” Luke started, raising his voice and taking the step between them. “This was my decision. I ended this relationship. Now get out of my house.”

Not able to control himself in his fury, he roughly grabbed the doctor by his arms and pushed him back towards the door. He just wanted this man out of his sight as soon as possible. But they didn’t get that far because Doctor Oliver quickly held onto Luke’s arms, forcing him to stop.

“I’ve been pushed around ENOUGH for one day, Mr. Snyder. I would advise you to take one VERY big step back.”

Luke was slightly taken aback by the doctor’s sudden outburst. Swallowing hard, he tried to regain control of his heavy breathing. His heavy breathing? What the fuck? Calm down Luke. It’s just your anger so calm down.
But Luke knew he was fooling himself when he became more and more aware of the close proximity between them. Although Doctor Oliver had slightly intimidated him, Luke couldn’t bring himself to step away just yet. Instead he found himself drawn into the doctor’s stormy eyes. Luke was mesmerized by those eyes which seemed to look right into his soul. And how beautiful they were… So wild. So vivid. So…incredibly blue.
Luke felt his heart beat quickening and the doctor’s firm grip around his arms sent a tingling feeling through his body. Biting his lip, Luke unconsciously dug his fingers harder into the other man’s coat. He watched the doctor swallowing, his prominent Adam's apple moving up and down, his lips slightly parted. What beautiful lips he has…
Luke suddenly realized he was obviously staring and quickly looked down, focusing on his hold. God what is wrong with me? This guy is an arrogant, self-absorbed little jerk who hates my guts.
But when Luke made himself look up again, he suddenly noticed a change in the other man’s gaze. His jaw was still clenched tightly yet his expression seemed to have softened. A slight smirk was appearing in the corner of his mouth and Luke felt the man’s eyes lingering on his lips before glancing up again. Luke inhaled sharply when he realized how much darker they had become. There was a fire in Doctor Oliver’s eyes that Luke had never seen before and he felt himself drowning in them.
The doctor’s stare was so intense…so hot that Luke could feel the heat rising up in his body while his heart was hammering wildly in his chest. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t think….
Licking his lips and his eyes never leaving the surgeon, Luke unconsciously took one step forward.

But he didn't have the time to realize what he'd just done, when suddenly he felt himself being shoved around and slammed against the nearest wall.


pairing: luke/reid, !author|artist: satine_1984, fan fiction, atwt, rating: pg, genre: angst/romance

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