Fall of Reason - Chapter 3/?

Sep 17, 2013 12:35

Author: satine_1984
Title: Fall of Reason
Genre: Angst/Romance
Rating: G - NC-17 (It depends on the chapter)
Word Count: ?

Character Pairings: Luke/Reid, most likely Reid/OC, Luke/OC in between                                           
Other Characters: Katie, Jacob, Casey, Bob, Noah, Chris, Lily, Natalie, a few OC’s, possibly other Oakdale citizens
Warnings: There’s smut. A lot of angst but don’t worry, there will be a happy ending. It’s going to be a long way to happiness for Lure, though, and Reid can be quite an ass sometimes. New characters will be getting involved. Noah, the douche, might also get negatively involved but if and how is not sure yet.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Luke has broken up with Noah and finds himself being drawn into a passionate affair with the surgeon he had actually learned to hate.
Set right after 16th /17th March episode when Reid was beat up by Dennis Judd. The story starts with the scene where Reid visits Luke’s home for the first time to ask him to keep quiet about what happened at the Lakeview but you will notice this scene will have a slightly different ending! ;-)

A/N: The other person on the cover is the American actor David Giuntoli. I used him as an inspiration for my character, Daniel Logan, which I have created for this story. If you happen to know this actor pretty well, you need to know that I didn’t choose him for his appearances on television but mainly for his looks as I’d love to give you a vague idea of how Daniel Logan would look like in my imagination.
This is a multichaptered fic and will be updated regularly. I intend to post once a week, since I’ve already written a few chapters ahead. After a while it might take a little longer.
This is my very first Lure fic and unfortunately English is not my first language. Please be kind. :-)
Speaking of language I definitely need to thank my lovely beta-girls BlueCactus03 and Fremi08 for their suggestions and support and another big thank you to lucsmum, who has given me good advice dealing with smut.
I hope you’re gonna enjoy reading my story and I’d be so happy if you give me your Feedback.

Chapter 3

Luke slowly blinked his eyes open, feeling the heavy weight of Doctor Oliver’s body against his chest. Blinking slightly he tried to focus on the ceiling but everything seemed blurry and his head was spinning.
Luke closed his eyes again, silently wishing he could calm down his racing heart. He had no idea how much time had passed since he’d blacked out but it must have been only seconds because Doctor Oliver hadn’t seemed to have noticed.

Luke could feel the doctor’s face resting against his temple, his heavy breathing brushing against Luke’s neck. Luke hesitated for a moment then reached out to tangle his fingers into the older man's curly hair. Feeling new droplets of sweat running down the doctor’s face Luke turned his head slightly to lick them away, earning low moans from the older man.
Before he knew it Doctor Oliver cupped Luke's cheeks, pulling him into a deep and sensual kiss. Luke moaned and felt himself melt against him, his body still trembling from the aftermath of his orgasm. They continued their slow and sloppy kissing for a while, neither of them wanting to move.
When Doctor Oliver finally broke their kiss, Luke still felt dizzy. His eyes half closed, he tried to focus on the doctor’s face above him. His vision started to become clearer and when he finally met the doctor's eyes he found the older man staring at him strangely, like he was in some kind of trance. Luke’s eyes fluttered when Doctor Oliver moved his hand to caress Luke’s cheek, his thumb lightly brushing Luke’s lower lip. Luke moaned and leaned into the touch while he opened his mouth slightly to suck on the doctor’s thumb.

God, his eyes are so beautiful.

Luke was unable to tear his eyes away from the man’s mesmerizing gaze. He was just about to lean in for another kiss when suddenly Doctor Oliver pulled himself out of Luke and lifted himself up from the table.
Luke groaned at the sudden loss of the doctor’s cock inside of him. Breathing heavily he let his head fall back against the hard wood, one arm resting against his forehead. He still felt too weak to stand up. His pulse rate was only slowly decreasing and he could feel a headache coming on. He didn’t mind though, considering the fact that he’d just had the most mind blowing orgasm of his life.

When he felt a movement to his left hand side, he curiously turned his head to see what the doctor was up to. The sight that greeted him would have made him hard again if he wasn’t still recovering from his orgasm.
Doctor Oliver had his back to Luke and was throwing his condom in a bin next to the cabinet, while Luke was getting quite a good look at his extremely well rounded ass. Luke lifted himself up into a sitting position, secretly hoping the doctor would turn around so Luke could get a glimpse of his cock as well but to his disappointment the surgeon was already pulling up his boxers and jeans.

Damn. Luke couldn’t believe he just had sex with a man who he hadn’t even seen fully naked.

Doctor Oliver finally turned around, still panting heavily, leaning slightly against the cabinet to support his weight. He then opened the last two buttons of his shirt and shook both ends to free the fabric from his sweat covered chest.
Luke swallowed hard when he noticed that the man’s lower abdomen was covered in large, dark bruises. Luke still didn’t understand why the doctor hadn’t even tried to defend himself at the Lakeview. Maybe Doctor Oliver hadn’t told him everything about the girl’s case.

As if sensing Luke's stare, the older man suddenly looked up and back at him. Their eyes locked and Luke felt himself blushing when he noticed he was still naked and covered in his own come. Breaking the gaze he started to search the table for something with which to clean himself up.

“Are you looking for these?”

Luke jerked at the proximity of the doctor’s voice. Turning around he found Doctor Oliver standing right in front of him, holding out some tissues. Flashing him a shy smile, he took them and quickly cleaned himself up.
When he was finished he noticed Doctor Oliver was still staring at him with those penetrating blue eyes. Suddenly feeling very uncomfortable Luke quickly rose from the table, feeling the need to get dressed as soon as possible. The sudden movement, however, caused Luke’s head to spin again and he was just about to fall over when he felt strong hands around his waist, steadying him.

"Careful. Easy…” Doctor Oliver’s voice was gentle, sounding almost concerned. “You're okay?"

"I… I'm fine." Luke panted, feeling his cheeks burning in embarrassment.

"You're sure?"

"Really... sure! Just a little.... dizzy." Luke tried to reassure him with a slight smile.

“Alright then!” Doctor Oliver let go of Luke. “Do you have some water?” He asked nonchalantly while already making his way to the other side of the room.

"Yeah... in...In the fridge. I mean... The kitchen! It is over there." Luke pointed in the direction where Doctor Oliver was intuitively heading while cursing himself that he still could barely talk.

Doctor Oliver nodded back at him and shortly after, he was out of the room.

Luke let out a large breath he wasn’t aware he was holding. Tearing his eyes away from where the doctor had disappeared, Luke searched for his clothes, putting them on as quickly as possible. When he finally looked into the mirror next to the cupboard he was shocked to see his completely messed up hair and his sex-swollen lips.

"Shit!"  Luke whispered, trying to flatten his hair with his hands.

“You know, you can try to get hold of that as much as you like. You’re still going to look like you’ve just been fucked."

Luke jerked again at the sudden voice behind him. How could this man be so quiet? Turning around and seeing the doctor’s smug smirk on his lips, Luke felt his anger rising again.
He was just about to come back with a snarky remark, when the doctor tossed a plastic bottle of water at him, forcing Luke to catch it.

"Drink that." He told Luke while he opened his own bottle and headed towards the couch, sitting down.

Luke glared after him for a moment, not able to move. His mind was racing. What was he supposed to do now? Should he sit down next to him and act all casual like nothing happened? Why couldn’t he just leave? Did he even want him to leave?
Luke bit his lip nervously. He knew his situation wouldn’t get better by just standing there so he hesitantly followed Doctor Oliver to the couch and sat down next to him.

Luke soon learned that Doctor Oliver didn’t seem to have any problems in making himself at home. His pants and shirt still fully open he lazily leaned back into the couch, placing both feet onto the table in front of him while taking long, large sips from his water bottle.
Luke found himself staring again, as small droplets of water ran down the doctor’s neck, intermingling itself with his sweat. A few seconds later the bottle was empty and Doctor Oliver closed his eyes, resting his head against the back rest of the couch, panting slightly. Luke unconsciously licked his lips as his eyes kept drifting to Doctor Oliver’s strong chest which was rising and falling with each breath. Luke felt the sudden urge to run his hand across the naked skin and he was even considering doing just that since Doctor Oliver surely wouldn’t mind after what they’d just done. But when the surgeon suddenly opened his eyes to look at him, Luke felt his boldness disappear and quickly looked down at his hands, fumbling with his water bottle.

"Aren’t you going to drink yours?" The doctor asked curiously after a short silence, causing Luke to look up again.

"Uhh.. You can have it if you want..." Luke offered, smiling sheepishly.

"What about your dizziness? I’m not keen to have you pass out on the floor in a few minutes because of dehydration. So come on. Drink!"

Luke avoided the man’s gaze, not daring to mention that he actually already did pass out a few minutes ago. He knew he should drink much more water per day, especially with his new kidney. He’d only drunk a small cup of coffee this morning. At least that’s what he could remember.
Letting out a small sigh he followed the doctor’s advice and opened his own bottle. When he felt the water running down his throat he realized just now how thirsty he was. He finished the small bottle in a few seconds.

"Feeling better?"

"Yeah..." Luke panted.

"Dehydrated, I told you. You know you should drink at least two liters of water per day, right?"

“Aye, aye, Doctor.” Luke said sarcastically, rolling his eyes in pretended annoyance.

“Sorry...occupational hazard. Can't help it." Doctor Oliver winked at him, a bright smile forming on his lips.

Luke felt his insides warming up when he saw the doctor truly smiling at him for the first time. Oh and what a beautiful smile it was. So genuine and almost...happy. A smile that totally reached the eyes, making it impossible for Luke not to return it. Unfortunately it was as good as gone when Doctor Oliver broke eye contact to place the empty bottle on the table in front of him.
An odd silence was suddenly hanging in the air and Luke soon felt the urge to say something.

"Doctor Oliver." Seeing the doctor looking up into his eyes again, Luke almost forgot what he wanted to say. "I…I was thinking….you might want to get dressed properly. What if my family walks in right now?”

Doctor Oliver leaned back into the couch, slightly smirking at Luke. “Then it wouldn’t be half as embarrassing as if they had walked in…uh…let’s say…about 10 minutes ago, would it?” He answered dryly, still not even making the slightest attempt to get dressed.

Luke's eyes grew wide. He realized just now that this possibility had never crossed his mind during the sex earlier. In fact nothing had crossed his mind, he hadn’t been thinking at all. God! He didn't even want to think about what would have happened if one of his siblings had seen them...and what would his mum think about him? She didn't even know he had broken up with Noah yet.......Oh God...NOAH!!!
Luke jumped up, passing the room slightly panicked, grabbing his hair in frustration.

“Oh my God, oh my God. What have I done?”

“You're not seriously asking yourself that." Doctor Oliver remarked dryly, raising an eyebrow at a very bewildered Luke.

"This shouldn't have hap..."

"Oh please." Doctor Oliver interrupted him, rolling his eyes in annoyance. Grabbing the two empty bottles from the table he stood up, facing Luke. "Just stop, before you make a fool of yourself. We had sex, so what? We blew off some steam and now we move on.”

“W..what are you saying? Now we go back like nothing happened?”

“Why shouldn’t we?" The older man eyed him with a curious expression.

"How can you...? I cannot believe you! We just had sex and YOUR patient is my..."

“Boyfriend?” The doctor asked, tapping one of the plastic bottles against his thigh while looking expectantly at Luke.

“My EX…but still..”

“And if he’d be your husband or the president of the United States, it wouldn’t make any difference to me. He’d still be my patient. Why do you have to make a drama out of this again?”

Luke looked like he had been slapped across the face. “I…” He started, but broke off again, not really knowing what to say.

“There weren’t any feelings involved, Mr. Snyder. It was a one-time thing. You don’t have to analyze everything that happens in that pretty little life of yours and concerning your ‘boyfriend’… I think he doesn't need to find out about it. In fact I'd strongly recommend it, if you ever want him to see again."

"Oh so now you're threatening me? Noah and I don't keep secrets."

"Suit yourself.” Doctor Oliver said while making his way back to the kitchen. “But if Noah terminates my services, well…that’s your problem then, not mine. One patient less won't harm me."

“Fuck you!” Luke yelled after him.

Doctor Oliver stopped in his track and turned around to face Luke, a slight smirk appearing on his lips.
“Language Mr. Snyder…if anything…I’d say I just fucked YOU.” And with that he disappeared into the kitchen again, leaving a stunned Luke behind.

Luke bit his lip, trying to fight the angry tears that were starting to appear in his eyes. He hated himself for being so weak but he hadn’t expected the doctor to be so cold about what just happened and it truly hurt him. Why was Doctor Oliver acting this way? He must have been as surprised as Luke how this evening had turned out. It didn’t make any sense. Unless…

“Sooo...have you calmed yourself down yet?”

Luke snapped out of his thoughts, looking right at Doctor Oliver who had returned with another bottle of water. Luke glared at him darkly, not saying anything.

Doctor Oliver rolled his eyes. “I guess not.”

Letting out a huge sigh he opened his bottle, taking a few sips.

“You…“ Luke was taking a deep breath, stepping closer. “Did you plan this?”

Doctor Oliver coughed on his drink. “Excuse me?”

“You had a condom with you. In your jeans pocket.”

“In my wallet, so?”

“You tell me.”

"Okay... So there's this little class thingy in high school where they're teaching people how to have safer sex."

"Doctor Oliver. Don't be a jerk!"

"Who's the jerk here? If I remember correctly you were the one who would have let me fuck you bareback."

Luke’s eyes grew wide in horror. "I wasn't... I...I'm always safe!" He stammered.

"I hope for your sake that you are." Doctor Oliver said, his expression turning serious.

Luke couldn’t hold the doctor’s gaze any longer and looked down, his face burning in shame. Doctor Oliver was right. How could he be so careless? He’d been so lost in his lust that he hadn't thought about protection for even a second. He sure would have, as soon as the doctor would have entered him without it. Luke had never had bareback sex before. Noah was so scared he would catch STDs, they never even considered it.

“So, are we done with this silly discussion or not?”

Luke looked up at Doctor Oliver again, biting his lip in defiance. "No, we’re not.” Luke said slowly, his eyes carefully searching the doctor’s for any hidden emotion. “You still haven't answered my question."

"Oh...you mean why I had a condom in my wallet…"

"Yes, I wanna know!"

“Well… I guess I was hoping to get lucky on the plane back to Dallas and.."

"I’m being serious."

"So am I... But...I guess, since I’m now stuck in this hell hole for God knows how long, fucking my kidnapper is a welcome consolation, don't you agree?"

“Get out…” Luke whispered. He had heard enough to confirm his suspicion. His body was trembling with anger. He felt so dirty. So used…

“What?” Doctor Oliver asked disbelievingly, while taking a few steps towards Luke.

“You heard me.” Luke said, while taking equal steps back, keeping his distance.

“You don’t really believe I…”

“I said GET OUT!” Luke yelled. “Get dressed and get the FUCK OUT!”

Doctor Oliver glared at him expressionless. "Okay then," he finally said, his hands moving to his shirt to button it up. "You're wearing your sweater inside out by the way.”

Luke looked down on himself.

Oh shit!

He quickly pulled the sweater over his head but his shaky hands had serious trouble to find its way back into the clothing. He eventually managed to put it on again when he noticed the doctor had stopped getting dressed and was staring at him strangely.
Luke groaned inwardly. Can’t he just hurry up and leave?
Spotting Doctor Oliver's jacket and coat lying on the floor, he quickly picked them up and handed them to the older man, who took them without a word.
When Doctor Oliver had finally put on his coat again, Luke started to walk towards the front door but was quickly stopped by the doctor's hands closing around his wrist.

"Hey." Doctor Oliver started, slowly, almost carefully pulling Luke back towards him, who couldn't quite meet the surgeon’s eye. "You had a kidney transplant?"

Luke’s eyes flashed up in surprise. How did he…? Oh damn it. My scar… He’s a doctor, of course he knows.
Luke didn’t understand though why Doctor Oliver had suddenly decided to ask him about the scar. Didn’t he notice it earlier during sex? Luke regarded the older man with a wary glance. He could make out professional curiosity in his eyes and a hint of something else. Was it confusion…or even concern? Maybe he had spotted the scar just now when Luke had pulled off his sweater.
Luke eventually nodded as he felt the doctor letting go of his wrist.

"What happened?"

Luke opened his mouth to say something then closed it again. He didn't know what to say to the doctor. It was such a long story. He suddenly felt very vulnerable under the man’s penetrating gaze so he looked away, biting his lip.

It wasn't long until Luke felt warm fingers on his sweater, pushing it up just far enough to reveal the scar.
Luke swallowed nervously. He didn't know why, but he felt quite uncomfortable with the doctor knowing about his scar. It reminded him of so many bad things that happened in his life, things that Doctor Oliver didn't know and that Luke wasn’t sure he wanted him knowing...
Still, he was kind of mesmerized to see the surgeon’s concentrated look while he was carefully studying every line of the scar as if looking for any hidden mistakes. Luke couldn't help but be amazed at how quickly the older man could switch into doctor mode…as if nothing had ever happened between them. But when he suddenly felt the surgeon’s thumb softly brushing over the oversensitive skin, Luke couldn’t suppress the small moan that escaped his lips.
Doctor Oliver’s eyes flashed up to meet his gaze. Their eyes locked and Luke found his breathing quicken, realizing in horror that he was half hard again, a fact which had not gotten unnoticed by the doctor's observing eyes.
Suggestively biting on his lower lip Doctor Oliver started to rub small circles along Luke's scar up his chest, never taking his eyes from Luke.
Luke couldn’t help but moan again and he found himself leaning further into the older man when suddenly the door swung open, revealing Luke’s little sister, Natalie.


fanfic, !author|artist: satine_1984, fan fiction, atwt, reid, pairing: luke/reid, luke, rating: r

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