Aug 07, 2004 12:49
I don't care if I saw you yesterdy at Grammy's beach or if it was Monday night devouring a Baskin Robbens cake and blasting old school NSYNC :o)(both awesome times lol) ..I miss you. I don't care how lame and pathetic that sounds. I feel like everyone's working and on their own schedule with things to do and rarely does anyone's agenda coincide. I remember thinking before this summer even started that "wow, I'll be working a lot which'll be good--I'll have more money to save and then to do fun stuff with my friends!" (does anyone remember when we would all eat out at least two-three times a week??)--yeah, no. Not quite the case. It's more like, I work and I make money, and then I'm so busy working I don't get time to spend the money. Not sure if I'm a fan of this aspect of the growing up business.
Did you know that Pamela Anderson broke the cover of Playboy 11 times?? I need to stop watching E! ew. Paris Hilton grosses me out too.
I think. I think.. I think out of all the things, I miss talking the most. Good conversations are my favorite.
OH!: so I got water in my cell phone..and not even doing anything cool like being out on the lake or soemthing--my water bottle wasn't closed all the way and I just slid it into my purse ...I open my phone up and *cracklecrackleDIIIE* SO, I just spent all of this week basically without a cell phone. Though I finally got a new one yesterday, there are no phone numbers in it. I repeat, not a one. So if you called me this week and I didn't pick up, that is why. I agree, twould have been slightly more informative if instead of "the alltel subscriber has left the phone or traveled beyond the service area" it stated a more accurate, "this alltel wireless subsciber is a dumbass who got water in her phone, please join me in laughing at her, she's effing screwed." In conclusion, I would GREATLY appreciate if you would call my phone from your phone so I can store your number and not feel so disconnected anymore. And because I wanna talk to you.
Looks like it's gonna raaaain today :oD That would be the sweetest thing ever cuz then we could close early @ the golf course!!
I'm atta loss. (definitely diggin the newly constructed word to best fit what I'm thinking, lol)
Eff all you damn narcs on Kazaa that put a blank file under the title "I Meant To" by Brad Cotter because I LOVE THAT SONG and I'm getting pretty PISSED downloading
rain rain come to stay.
I've been away
Haven't seen you in a while
How've you been
Have you changed your style
And do you think
That we've grown up differently
Don't seem the same
Seems you've lost your feel for me
--name that artist!
it's funny how you can really make yourself feel however you want to feel. Though I must say I'm getting REALLLLLLY sick and tired of waking up in a bad mood.
My mama painted my room yesterday!! It's a perdy pinkish peachish color. haha, I feel like such a girrl, but I love it. It's called "Dishy Coral." That would be a fun job, naming paint. And nail polish. yeah, I'd enjoy that.
up up up --can only go up from here.
I'm in my happy place now.
--THANK YOU BETH BLANCHARD!!!! for calling me and telling me to go to <3