Mar 01, 2010 09:33
So it may come as a surprise to some and partly so to me. Each baby is different granted, but it is amazing just how different they are. It is like getting a surprise gift. Where Toshiro would be ok with bottle or breast, Ayako absolutely hates bottles, will not take to them, we have tried several different brands, ...and different nipples. She wants to do things her way, and no other way , He will most often go with the flow. We have started rice cereal with breast milk for her as she is 4 months now (and hungry still after feedings at night) she loves that, will take it from a spoon but not from a bottle with a fake nipple on it. He was/is quiet and contemplative often as a baby, and now does not like to use words as much, more... See More of a point, and gesture kind of a kid. She talks up a storm, always gabbing about something, gooing and gahhing, and happy screaming, and making all range of noises. She does not like to sleep like he did as a baby, she has her own style, and not that she has found that she can move it does not seem like she wants to stop. He was/is a happy boy to lay down and play with a toy, she has to be sitting up if she is awake, so she can see everything, and be a part of everything. It is just amazing, and I fall in love with my children more and more every day. I never thought I could love my babies more than I did already but I do.