The stank of George Lucas

Jun 01, 2008 14:56

Is there nothing he can't totally fuck up? I finally got around to seeing Indiana Jones last night and man what an over the top piece of shit. I mean, the Indy movies should be light hearted and fun but this was just way too unrealistic for even an Indy movie. I actually liked the plot and if they had worked on the character interactions along with the performances, I would be more forgiving but everyone's acting was very stilted.

Spielberg's camera work was great but the inclusion of cgi everything annoyed the shit out of me. I knew I was in trouble right when the paramount mountain turned into a gopher mound. It could have had one of the best car chases in film history had they not gone cgi for half of it. Bad joke after bad joke makes Lucas a happy mound of quivering flesh. I'm glad I didn't see it opening night now in 20/20 hindsight, what a turd in a punch bowl.
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