Sep 16, 2005 07:57
From the front page of MSN - "Baghdad attacks kill scores"
Is it just me, or does the word 'scores' make it sound like what's going on over there is a great big game? Lucky thing, some of our troops found the BFG spawn point and so we're winning.
I walked past a bunch of fire trucks on the way to work today. It looks like one of the buildings down the street had a mid-sized fire - not big enough to level the whole building, but enough to make a noticeable hole in the roof and leave scorch marks around some of the windows.
Nobody here again, as usual. I almost think I liked it better when I expected there to be nobody here, than I do now where there's theoretically people here to help me, except they're not *actually* here. Almost.
Someone just called and asked if we rent pickup trucks. Yeah, guy, that's a fundamental part of the eBay/shipping business, pickup truck rental. He was rather rude about it, too. Asshole.