Six Oddities About Me - from Diffdrummer

Aug 15, 2006 21:04

I got this from diffdrummer and thought it would be fun to list my oddities ( six is a small number for that)

UNEVEN DISTRIBUTION OF HAIR: By the time I was in 8th Std. I was full blown hirsute person with hair over my hands and feet but for some strange reason, I still dont have a full beard growth. The most I can grow is a French beard. The patch between my side burns and lower jaw is virtually hairless.

FEW MEDALLIONS FOR ME TOO: I am supposed to have won 2 silver medals in a sport at national level when I was 13 only to be completely removed from the sport now. I sometimes wonder myself why I gave it up. Maybe I was harboring some dreams of getting my photo published in the newspaper by getting a rank in the board exams - sadly that didnt happen.

MY TRYST WITH LAW: Unlike diffdrummer I have never been to a police station but my mother has gone twice in regard to my disappearance. Yes, she has lodged 2 complaints in the local thana reporting that I had gone missing.

AFRAID OF GETTING MY HANDS DIRTY: Although I was brought up in a Gujju family where everyone dips the chappati nicely in the sabzi and in the process getting their fingers dirty, I use a spoon to get the sabzi and make a cone out of a piece of chappati and place the sabzi in it and carefully put it in my mouth.

PERPENDICULAR SOUTH PAW: I write with my left hand and hold the book at right angle to the table so that you would find me writing from top to bottom instead of left to right.

STRANGE DISTASTE: To the disbelief of all my friends and Gujju relatives, I hate Undhiu. I cannot taste even a morsel of it and I cant stand the smell of the revered dish.
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