As close as it gets

Jul 14, 2006 10:54

My dad must have had some amazing luck. Its good enough to be lucky once but its a marvel if you are lucky twice. A few years ago when Mumbai was rocked by blasts albiet in smaller proportion my dad was on the next railway platform sitting cosy reading news paper or chatting to his train-mates when the adjoining platform rocked in explosion. And then on Tuesday he was in the fast train right next to the slow train at Jogeshwari which blew up. Sharpnel flew into his train as it whizzed past the exploding bogie. The train rocked and people thought it was some derailment until someone at the window saw a ball of fire. Lucky man!!! you would say. Little did my dad know that Mr. M who sits right next to his desk at work, with whom he must have had so many chats over afternoon chai was sitting right in that exploding bogie. Last time he spoke to Mr M. was in the evening before he left for home, bubbling with joy at the news of his elder daughter topping the CBSE board exams in her school. Their conversation was how he felt proud last evening when the school felicitated his daughter. Atleast Mr. M died a happy man.
So who is responsible???? I cannot help but say that I am responsible for this. Every one is responsible for this including all those people in whose neighbourhood and ghettos fanatics implore misguided youth to take up violence in the name of religion. Every one who keeps quiet and lets these schemes hatch in their backyard is responsible. Everyone who discrimates based on religion or some such classification is responsible.
I hope things change but something tells me that unless we do something to change it we are just deluding ourselves.
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