Sastiel Mini/Big Bang 2015 Guide to Claiming

Oct 02, 2015 10:27

Claiming for both Big Bang and Mini Bang fics begins on Saturday, Oct. 3 at 3 p.m. EST (Find out what time that is for you.)

1.     Artists who are signed up may claim one (1) fic at this time. After 48 hours, on Oct. 5, we will open the second round of claims for remaining summaries. In the second round, artists can claim a second story, and artists who didn’t sign up can claim as well.

2.     To claim, list three summaries you would like, with your top pick as number one. Use the designated numbers given to each summary. You will get the highest ranked summary that’s available. This is a first come, first serve system.

3.     If you gave a tumblr username when you signed up, please go ahead and include it in your claim.

4.     Remember, a Big Bang requires two pieces of art, while a Mini Bang requires one. (Though you can definitely do more if you want!) Think about how much you can get done in the allotted time.

5.     If you aren’t able to claim at the designated time, you can name a proxy to claim for you. Artists, please leave a comment on this post and give the username of your proxy. Proxies, please reply to the artist’s comment to let us know you can do it. If we don’t get confirmation from the proxy, then we can’t accept them during claiming time. If you need help finding a proxy, just let us know.

We will post the finalized list of author/artist pairs after the last summary is claimed.

challenge: 2015, .claims, .target: artists

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