I was with Lily && her sister.
&& we basically spent the whole entire day at the mall.
Haha aren't we just a bunch of cute, lovely asians ;)
Anways, i had a fucking blast at the mall yesterday!
I got so much clothes:), && cute little lingerie;), && scarves, &&, a dress, && CDs!:) && I got them all with a discount if you know what I mean. ;P Haha, imma dork :PPP We also tried on dresses && browsed for our dream graduation/grad dance ones.:D Meh, I really didn't find my perfect dream dress but ay, what's the rush? It's all the way in June. :P So it's all good:) Ooh, we also went && saw Confessions of a Shopaholic. It's such a cute && hilarious movie! I swear, I was laughing through the whole entire thing! :)
We were also going to get our belly buttons pierced. But then we're not 18 yet :P, && Lily's friend Jessica never came so she could take care of it. So poooo! Well, I didn't ahve the $$$$ anyways. I never have $$$. >.<
Oh my fucking God!
So I guess it was also brawl day at the mall. I guess I missed the memo??? :P Because dammmnn there were huge fights everywhere! One was at the applestore between these like asian skaters && mexican gangsters/skaters. It was the most fucking hilarious thing ever! They were all just yelling at eachother, calling eachother posers, saying they beat eachother's asses up. Bla Bla. Fuck the macho pride! :P
&& then it gets better! Becasue there was this other humungous fight between these scenesters and skaters! Haha, me && Lily were like flipping a shit too because two of the guys we saw earlier at Hottopic && we thought they were the hottest men alive :P Well, we kind of argued about it. Because she thought the brownhaired boy was. But I was all about the black-haired perfection! yummmmm! Anywho, it was a fucking serious fight. One minute me && Lily were making Allen buy us Jamba Juice in the food court, the next bam!, there was yelling, then a lot pf punching, strangling, && smashing heads against Forever 21's windows! People were just like fucking staring for like 2 minutes, then this really tall black man got in between them all && started breaking it up. They didn't budge though. So black dude got really p.oed. && started yelling then he got this one skater in a headlock to make him stop. Then came in Mexican Man, who tried to stop it too. Sooner or later they stopped and started running, to get away I guess. BUT mannnn, were we entertained! Bruall shiatt right there. Haha, I lovelovelove the mall:)))
Haha, so overall that was a fun night:) I'm so thankful to have Lily as a best friend. She makes my world go round! I hope I'll never lose her. God, I really FUCKING HOPE.
Oh, && today my dad went to oathtaking && is offically an American citizen:) w000! && tehn we celebrated at this one Asian restaurant. The food was fucking horrible! :PPPPP
&& yes, my Hannah's finally back from DC! I missed her so fucking much:) Haha, we're going to sing karaoke soon, hopefully. ;)